24 September 2008

I'm not in the mood for much of a post. Tired and stuff. You know? Here's the good part: my sister from GA was at my house when I got home last night. It was such a treat to have her here. She always stays with my parents when she visits, but since my mother just spent two weeks with her, I got her for the night and day. We took a walk this morning. She got to see where I go, instead of relying on my description. It was cold! We got ready and went out for the day. We shopped, I did her hair in my salon, we shopped more, had lunch, and shopped again. We had good luck at Marshall's and LLBean. We got to my parents at 6:00, and my sister Lisa was there. We had a quick reunion before I had to leave to come home. It was a full day. I wish Ilene lived in MD near me. Our time together is never long enough.

I'm going to make an early night of it. Me and a magazine in bed. Sounds just right to me.


Moohaa said...

Sounds like a fun visit! Enjoy your magazine and bed!

Andrew said...

One thing that I like about reading blogs is if you have a bad day, you can live vicariously through the good days of another blogger. Your post made me feel better and more grounded. Thank you!

C.A. said...

I'm with Andrew...loved that happy post! I'm so glad you got to "hang" with your sisters.



marykay said...

What a nice suprise, and a nice day!

Ruth Hull Chatlien said...

I'm glad you had a visit with your sister, and I hope you're feeling more rested this morning.

HappyK said...

How nice to spend time with your sister. Sounds like a great day.

Brad said...

It's tough when your family gets all spread out across the country. I wish I had more time with my sister and neice too.

Gin said...

Sister time is so precious!! Glad you got some of it.

Neponset River Bridge Dig said...

I know how you feel. My brother just came to visit us from Ohio and I wish we were closer too.

So you shopped and shopped but did you drop?

fiwa said...

I'm glad you had a good day with your sister, and that you have such a good relationship that you wish she lived closer. I can't say I feel that way about my family... but I do about certain bloggers - you included.

Have a good weekend -

bonnie said...

It's nice how much you enjoy Ilene's company. And a peaceful ending to a pleasant day. Hope to see you soon. Oh you are doing my hair soon.

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