Another beautiful day in the neighborhood. Nothing I like more than being outside in the early morning hours with a garden hose in one hand and a cup of coffee in the other. My neighbor and I even had a good conversation about his brand new beautiful garage doors that were installed yesterday. He said, not an eyesore anymore, huh? I guess he didn't forget my words. I told him his doors are the nicest in the cul-de-sac. I guess we're friends again :). I communed with nature for an hour or so, did a little transplanting of annuals to hopefully happier homes in the garden, and now I'm out on the deck to do a little writing and reading. No, not my book. I'm trying really hard to read Outlander by Diana Gabaldon. I've been told it's great and it's part of a series, but it just gets me dozy. I'm not ready to give up, though. I'm listening to Watchers by Dean Koontz. He's such a storyteller. I've enjoyed every book I've read by him. Or I should say, listened. It's my preferred method of 'reading'.
Emily is doing a great with driving and I'm surprising myself with my trust in her ability. She's proving herself to be a natural. I asked if she wanted to drive for a while after I picked her up from work yesterday. Of course she was happy to say yes. I drove part of the way home, then directed her here and there, till she had driven for 40 minutes and 15 miles. Driving makes her very happy!
I've been very busy at work. Happily busy. I can't believe I leave in 10 days for another vacation. A vacation that includes a very long drive, again. I'm visiting a friend/client who spends the summers at her home on Cape Cod. She's a client that I see every Friday to straighten her long curly hair. We've gotten to know each other well, and so, I took her up on her invitation. I'll be going by myself, and I imagine the trip to be about 8-10 hours. A new adventure. It's been at least 20 years since I've been to the Cape, and I don't remember much about it. I think Bernice lives in Hyannis, and I think it's very close to the beach. I'm not thinking of this as a beach vacation though. The water is freezing up there.
I need to finish this up. I want to catch up on blogs. When I'm done with that I'm donning my bathing suit and heading to my folks' house. Mom and I are spending the day at her pool, the one I grew up at. I hope to dive into my book while I'm there, and not want to come out.
Happy day!
Happy Sunday
Sunrise from earlier this week
Sunset last night
A hymn we sang in church this morning.
🎶 Redeemed 🎶
Fanny Crosby
1. Redeemed, how I l...
22 hours ago
Glad to hear your neighbor finally got his new garage doors.
We are headed out for a driving vacation to Maine on Monday.
I love Dean Koontz books. Though I do like audio books at times I still prefer to hold the actual book.
Have fun at the pool.
Wow! Garage doors! I guess you are friends again. Did he mention where he got them?
I'm reading another Carl Hiaasen book and enjoying it. He's funny.
Was at the salon this a.m. before your arrival -- we keep missing each other! Love, Kath
If you go through Brewster stop and say hi to my Great Uncle Billy (he's a statue in town square)
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