Imagine one day with every single person dressed crazily. Not normal crazy, like some people do regularly. Mismatched crazy. I think it might bring the world together. CEO's in plaid slacks with three layers of patterned shirts, a scarf, mismatched shoes and a ski hat? Think of the possibilities! I think it could be a day of laughter and fun.
Me too!!!
Do you think anyone would notice?
That is just awesome!
The folks on FOX would have to lower their screaming a decibel or two if they clowned up with the rest of us.
What a fun thought!!
I love it!
it would be fun--and fun to see--- but if ya think about it-- this country is gettin way too uptight for our own good :(
hope you have a happy thursday!
It would be nice but the sad fact is is that to many people think there shit don't stink....and though we all know that shit stinks, they are to high and mighty to admit it. lol Hope you have a good weekend.
What fun.
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