I wish I had a big front porch, but am thankful that I have one at all. I consider myself very lucky to live in a big, beautiful house. It's one of the fortunate things that came out of my marriage. My porch is big enough for two chairs and the front door. It has an electrical outlet, which comes in very handy at times. Like right now. I'm hoping that I'll see a hummingbird come to the feeder from this vantage point of mine. I can type and watch it it at the same time. The weather right now is much like what I remember Seattle being on a good day. The sky is bright blue, it's very breezy, and the temperature is in the mid-70's. What differentiates today from a summer day is the lack of humidity. We have it bad here. So, I'm enjoying spring while we have it.
Emily and I got an early start on the day. We left the house at 9:00 to visit our friend Sheree and her daughters in VA, a 45 minute drive from our house. The plan was to go to the National Zoo. As we should have suspected, the zoo was absolutely packed. The entrances were blocked off to traffic. We drove around, but in the end decided to go to plan B. We went to the harbor area in Georgetown, and ate outside at a wonderful restaurant, Sequoia's. We spent a great afternoon together, then headed back to MD. We went to a huge nursery, Behnke's, on the way home, and I spent much tip money on perennials. When I planned my garden, many years ago, I researched each plant ever so carefully. I arranged them by size, color, bloom time, etc. This time I looked at the descriptions, and chose by what sounded good. Random. I'm sure it will look wonderful. My impulse when I got home at 5:00 was to change my clothes and get busy planting. Then I thought, you never stand still. Why not just sit on the porch and relax. So, here I am.
From the Past
We got the snow overnight so I ended up not taking a morning walk
but did get my steps in the house.
Home all day doing a bit of work around the house and t...
11 hours ago
I'm sure it will be beautiful.
I'm thinking of trying growing some veggies and herbs this year...
I long for a huge wrap around porch to sit on...I guess we have ot settle for the bench. I love spring, it's nice to be able to just enjoy it.
Sounds like a great idea to sit on your porch and enjoy being alive.
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