It was an odd kind of day. I had a short day scheduled at work, then had a last minute highlight cancellation, making it an even shorter day. So, it was another not much work done kind of day. I got my hair cut. It's always a treat to be a 'client'. I asked the assistant to take an extra long time with the shampoo because it feels so good! Something else that made the day different was that we had a photo shoot to update our website with new pictures. I thought I'd be OK with having my picture taken. You can tell from the number of pictures of me on this blog that I'm used to it, but it was different with a professional. I kind of froze. My usual camera smile felt very fake. I didn't like the preview results I saw on the LCD screen, but that doesn't mean they won't look good when they're edited. I asked the photographer if he could Photoshop out the 'crack' between my brows. I hope he didn't think I was kidding. I left the shop by 4:00 to be home for Emily. It probably would have been fun to stick around and watch the rest of the photo shoot. They were taking pictures of the staff, selected clients, and a number of models in their wedding dresses for the bridal section. There was a party atmosphere in the salon.
I'm ready to watch Idol and catch up on blogs. It doesn't take long to get behind. Tomorrow I'm meeting Bonnie at Panera's. Lucky me!
Another morning for walking just like yesterday.
Started out dark, 30 degrees, clear and the came the sun toward the end.
Sunrise 7:34
Finished reading Th...
7 hours ago
I'm sitting here watching Idol while reading blogs too. The guys are much better than the girls this year. A couple of the girls have been pretty good. I'm not a big fan of the Carrie Underwood wannabes though.
Your day sounds interesting. I hate having my pic taken and avoid it whenever I can. Hope you enjoy your evening.
Please give Bon a peck on the cheek for me ! and here's one from me too you ! XOXO
Have fun catching up with your friend tomorrow.
Short work days are GOOD work days.
Yes, lucky you! That will be fun.
I think all the pictures I have seen of you are wonderful, you have nothing to worry about, you are a very pretty woman! We always hate our photos, don't we?
Cheryl, I love how you make your days sound! If I wrote about the things I did each day, as a rule people would be like..."Cindi...yawn!"
Have fun at Panera and do some people watching for me.
I LOVE LOVE LOVE getting my hair shampooed, too. :)
P.S...all pictures I have seen of you to date are beautiful!
how cool to meet a fellow blogger-- you know how well that can turn out!!!
let us know how it goes...
i haven;t been to her blog yet-- i spose i shall have a look.. i have been seeing her around a lot lately.
have a wonderful day!
Hi Cheryl....I found your blog by way of Andrew's. I love reading your posts. You sound so comfortable with yourself and content. I don't know if you would want to do this but....if you'd consider posting on the *correct* tipping in hair salons I'd sure appreciate it.
The owner of the salon I go to now does my hair, but I'm never sure how much to tip assistants, etc. Wishing you a good day!
I'm another one who loves getting shampooed and my hair brushed! Have a great day with your friend!
I have to agree, the shampooing is the most relaxing, luxurious part of getting a haircut. I bet the pictures turn out just had your hair done! Hope you and Bonnie enjoyed the time at Panera's:)
Oh man, I'm so jealous! I hope you and Bonnie have a good time. :)
I want to meet up with you guys too! Sounds like fun!
Wait, photoshop can edit cracks and creases? So, how do I find this software?
I'm sorry about the pro. shoot,...but we are our harshest critics, I bet you looked stunning!
P.S. YEs, we actually did make it out for dinner, and I left my camera in the car, darn it, I had wanted to capture the picture of the flaming cheese!
Happy thursday!
This time next week, we leave for florida...YEA!!
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