Whine warning. You still there? Good. I'm whining because my computer hasn't been fixed. I've been making calls to India instead of blogging. Since last Tuesday. Not the way I want to spend my time! The service I've gotten from Dell in the past has been suburb. I've called one day, heard from the technician the next, and had it fixed the day after. This time? The records show the technician signed for the parts last Wednesday. They've never called, though Dell said they said I was unreachable. How can you be unreachable when you have three contact numbers and no message left on any of them? On Monday I was promised that, without a doubt, it would be fixed on Tuesday. Well, no show, no call and yet another evening spent on the phone with Dell. Promises that without a doubt it would be fixed today. Again, no call, no show. I called Dell from work at 3:00. Was told the technician would call me within minutes. Guess what? No call. Tonight, another marathon session with Dell. This time with a manager. He assured me the technicians will call at 10 AM tomorrow. He said Dell would call me between 10 and 10:30 AM to follow up. He guaranteed me it would be fixed tomorrow and that he would call me personally tomorrow night. Sounds good, huh? I hope that tomorrow I'll be telling you how happy I am to have a fully functioning computer. I realize I'm spoiled. I have Verizon FiOS and it's very fast. I haven't had dial-up for a long time. I'm not used to, let's say, going to Blogger:Dashboard and having to wait 5 minutes for it to load. Or typing away and all of a sudden seeing that hourglass, telling me to wait. Or not being able to access my pictures. I'm used to taking this computer for granted. So...I won't be at Panera's tomorrow. I'll be home, waiting for a phone call. I'm going to try my best to be optimistic. I don't like whining.
In the meantime, Idol is on. I like to blog and watch Idol. I'm behind on all my other shows: Lost, Jericho and Brothers and Sisters. Maybe I'll watch them tomorrow while I'm waiting.
Another morning for walking just like yesterday.
Started out dark, 30 degrees, clear and the came the sun toward the end.
Sunrise 7:34
Finished reading Th...
7 hours ago
I'm sorry sweets - that sucks. Maybe they've been waiting to send you a really cute tech ? One can always hope. Your a brave soul to shoulder on with dial up. I know I'd just give up until it was fixed. - Hoping for good news from you tommorow !
Nothing like a slow computer to ruin a perfectly good day. Our laptop decided to be a pain while we were depending on it.
I'm glad you had a happy trip even if the trails were too bad for the skiers to enjoy. Time with friends is better anyway.
Our trip was a winner all the way around except for the laptop. Weather was perfect. Suite was great. I'll post pics when I get time.
That's terrible service and a pretty good reason to whine! I hope they actually come through for you tomorrow.
I have a Gateway that's been a royal pain in my behind! Half the time, I'm ready to throw it through a window--although ironically enough, I think it may be Windows that's the problem.
That really sucks about the computer. That's why I had a local guy build my computer. No calling India. Just take it to him to fix.
I thought the girls kind of stunk it up tonight. They were all off a bit. The guys weren't all that great yesterday either. Weird week.
Whine away. I have to nudge my myself to remember the days before there was a computer on every desk.
And back to dial-up? I'm sorry, I eat a whole lot of beans made from scratch to afford the wonders of Verizon Fios.
Cheryl, I feel your pain all the way through the telephone wire.
hi Cheryl, you're justified in your whining. i'd be doing the same thing. i've never had any problems with dell before last month when i ordered new printer cartridges, and they kept telling me they'd been delivered to my address. finally, i asked for a refund, which they promptly did, and found out later they delivered my cartridges to someone else. not only did the person NOT call me to tell me they had my cartridges, but the postman should never have left them with someone else without leaving me a notice. not the same as the problem you're having, but it made me think about service with dell. they're usually pretty good, and i do hope you get your computer fixed this morning (it's 2:51 am).
"Lost" has been sooooo good, and i have to watch Idol later today because i went out last nite. the guys really weren't that good on tuesday, so i hope the ladies did better last nite.
My first few experiences with Dell were great. Then they got snotty to say the least. I hope you get this settled soon.
Meanwhile, I've closed my blog down. It wasn't going the way I wanted it to. Too many snotty comments and that's just not what I'm about. I'm going to make a new one when I find my muse again.
sorry to hear of your computer woes. nothin like puter probs in this day and age-- it's like losing a prosthetic leg! hope you get it fixed soon and without more problems.
dell usually is pretty good about thst-- last time-- they sent a guy to my house to replace my motherboard! maybe you need to find a different number to call???
anyhow.. good luck!
happy thursday!
I have to catch up on you too! I haven't left yet and already I feel so behind in the blogging world. Someone needs to give me updates. Like an email or something of snippets of what everyone is doing in the land of blog's. :)
Hmm, I'll try and look for that link. But, I'll tell ya here, ":),
We leave this afternoon as soon as we pick up Jackson from school, we'll be driving thru Indiana, down thru Kentucky-depending on traffic and the time it takes is when we'll stop for the night. My hopes is to stop for the night in Elizabethtown. :)
Then the final drive through Tennessee and Georgia, to Florida where we'll be staying with BDD's highschool friend, his wife(my good friend) and their children this weekend near Tampa. We plan on taking the kids to Busch Garden's.
Monday we'll leave and head to West Palm Beach to my mil's house, stay there a few days, and then leave her house, head down to Bal Harbor,Sunny Isles Beach, for the wedding at Aqualina. We're staying at the Doubletree.
Sigh, I think I packed too much!
Happy Thursday!
That is so unlike Dell to have that kind of service. One of the reasons why I buy Dell is because they have always come through in terms of service. I hope you're issue gets resolved today as promised.
I also read your blog every day, I just don't comment often... but I'm working on that!
Hi Cheryle, I just dropped by to say hello. Sorry about your computer problems. I'm lucky to have a son who is a geek and he can fix almost any computer problems so I never need to call..ehem India.
Dell fixed my daughter's laptop screen in 36 hours and this included FedExing time both ways! I was impressed!
Jerico! LOST! Two of my favourites as well.
That isn't whining - you have a legitmate complaint! I hope they fixed it today, and that you'll be back up to speed soon. That's a serious inconvenience and just a waste of time.
Good luck!
I was thinking about getting a dell the next time around, but now I'm having second thoughts... hopefully I'll have at least three years to think about it. ;)
oh, a little whining now and then is in order - I think it keeps you believable (because you're the only person I know who ALWAYS has a smile on)!
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