I've spent the first part of my morning in bed, catching up on blogs. I feel better when I don't get too behind. So, you see that Emily decided to join the blogging world. Will it last? We'll see. I think it's a great idea, and found her first post interesting. Telling the world that she'd like to live with her father. She's never said that to me, and here, with her first post, that's what she tells everyone. My feelings are not hurt. I think she'd really like to be far from her ex boyfriend right now, and I can't blame her for that. I seriously thought about moving about a year ago. We were in the midst of a huge redistricting battle, and I did not want her going to the new school. I grappled with the love I have for my house and the school Emily would most likely be attending. In the end, we both decided that the school would work out. I'm a person that doesn't like change. I'm rooted where I am. My family, who I'm so close to, is here. My job of almost 21 years is here. I don't know that I could find a house that suits me so well. I could barely afford a decent townhouse near Emily's father, and here I have a large, sun-filled home. As Mary pointed out to Emily in her comment, Emily's days here are numbered. She'll graduate high school in 2011. So, this is home. Sweet Home. And, that's life.
My sister Ilene arrived in town from GA last night. She's staying with my parent's for a week. In a few hours, she, my mother, Kit, my neighbor Kelly, our friend Barbara, and I will leave for an overnight stay at a historic Inn near PA. It sounds like it's going to be just wonderful. Did I mention it has a 4 star restaurant? We'll be taking advantage of the Romantic Winter Getaway package. Ha! Two of the rooms have a sleep sofa and one of them a cot for the second person. So, it won't be romantic, but that's OK. We're going to have a blast. Yes, we'll miss the big game, but I'm only interested in the commercials anyway. I can catch up on them through YouTube. The weather will be in the 50's with full sunshine. My cold is manageable. I'm taking my meds, and the nose spray, especially, is helping.
So, enjoy your Sunday, peeps. I think it's going to be glorious.
Another morning for walking just like yesterday.
Started out dark, 30 degrees, clear and the came the sun toward the end.
Sunrise 7:34
Finished reading Th...
7 hours ago
oooh, i hope your overnighter is a blast.
have fun & don't forget to take photos.
enjoy your getaway Cheryl. sounds like fun, and you're in good company and have beautiful weather.
You have a wonderful time!
Have a fun time.
Don't party too hard! ;-)
Sounds like a great time and the weather sure is nice and sunny. Enjoy!!
Have fun. Glad you seem better (healthier....no cold). The big game? Is that the Super Bowl? This weekend?
I enjoyed reading Emily's blog and was wondering how the "I want to live with Dad" comment would go over. I've been in that same situation with my son, but eons ago. So glad youre feeling better and thank GOD for nose spray...it works miracles!
I feel that way about my house, too. It's one thing in the world is all mine.
That sounds like a really nice treat and I'm pretty sure I can count on you to have a good time. You have so much fun! I'm glad you feel so understanding of Em. I read her blog and I just feel her restlessness. It's easy to want what you can't have. I have moved a lot and I have a lot of restlessness in me. I can't believe how content you are. It's amazing.
Good for you, enjoy this time!!
Enjoy it!!
I'm off to read Em's blog, and will sleep on her words and yours...
check your email when you're home! :)
welcome home I'm sure it was a beautiful time away!
well.. how'd it go??
how are you??
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