I stayed home all day. Amazing, huh? I wasted a lot of time, though I got a lot done. I cleaned my hardwood floors. Why do I dislike that job so much? I vacuum, then spray a cleaner, then use a micro-fiber-headed mop to clean it. I guess it's all the elbow 'grease' because the mop doesn't slide well at all. I always feel like I've accomplished a lot whenever I do it, which isn't often enough. I vacuumed the carpet, cleaned the counters with Softscrub, and cleaned one bathroom. Then I finished cleaning my car. I started it yesterday, and it's spic and span on the inside. Yeah! I walked around my garden many times, and picked the stray sprout that was here and there. That's the only kind of work I want to do out there. It's been a cool and windy day and I don't know if it even made it out of the high 50's. My plan was to work on pressure washing the side of my house, but not today. Kelly, my neighbor, came over last night to help me with the issues I've had getting her pressure washer started. I think I can handle it now. Also, I borrowed her ladder, and we figured out how to set it up on my hill. In the meantime, Kelly got a lot done while she was demonstrating her technique. When I tried it, my arm hurt after a few minutes. It wasn't nearly as fun as it looked.

The robin's been letting me get very close to her nest. I tried to see into it today when she was gone, but my chair wasn't high enough. I'm not sure if the babies are hatched or not. It seems like they are, because it's been looking like she's feeding them, but I don't hear or see anything.

I had to get on the phone with Dell today due to a continuing error message. Smart me had backed everything up and once again, I had to reinstall the operating system. I'm getting to be a pro at it. I just need help getting all my bookmarks back in the right place. Bonnie...I need you.
My Georgia sister and niece made a surprise visit to my mom today. She was SO surprised! They're only here till Thursday, and I switched my next day off so we can spend Wednesday together. I'm so excited!
It's been an emotional few days. It's amazing how moods can change in an instant. Saturday was just great. Yesterday was going great. I shopped at Sam's Club. Hung out at another Panera. Got a phone call. The end of the good times. That's all I can say. All will be well again. For a while. Change is what you can count on, right?
I'm sitting in the dark now. I think I'll put an end to this little post and come and visit you, my online buds.
Sorry about the upsetting phone call. I hate when that happens.
You sure accomplished alot today!
Stay well.
You sure were busy today.
Maybe next Mon and Thurs if your off we could get together.
Since Kenny had great fun power washing our house he should come to your house and do yours. :-)
Power washing is a challenge at best. I had to do our storage building - after that I was pooped!
I hope the phone call fades into the background sooner than soon. Maybe planning to get together with your local blogging buds will break the spell.
I hope the situation that prompted the phone call isn't too serious.
I love your robin photo.
Why stay home if it's going to be that much effort? LOL ;-)
That is a lot of cleaning to do all at once. I would vacuum and mop and then take the rest of the week off to recover.
WOW, you are a cleaning MACHINE, Cheryl! It always feels good to get those things done, doesn't it?
I hate those phone calls. UGH.
So great that your sister surprise your Mom! I bet she really enjoyed that!
Have a sunny Tuesday, friend!
You sound blue, friend. I hope you are ok.
Enjoy your time with your sister -
I'm sorry you got a distressing phone call. Its amazing how fast everything can change.
You worked really hard, enjoy your rest.
Big hugs.
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