The day got better. I decided to do some shopping. I'm not a clothes shopper; if someone could shop for me I'd be happy. I like 'stuff.' I went to the garden center at Walmart, but didn't find anything. I went to Sam's Club and walked the isles. I found stuff. I went to Kohl's and bought a pair of capri's and all new drinking glasses. I've had a mishmash of cups and glasses forever. I bought clear acrylic glasses in two sizes. I'm clearing out all the rest. I came home, and read, organized, etc. I had a good talk with my daughter after she came home. All is well. It's been drizzling on and off, but I'm still going to try to walk.
Here's something I thought I'd share...I read about this in the Washington Post and thought it was worthy of passing along. Saturday is the 16th annual Stamp Out Hunger Food Drive. Letter carriers will be collecting food donations left out next to our mailboxes. Here's the link with more information. I called to make sure my post office was participating. It seems all but the rural routes are taking part, but you might want to verify. It's a good time to clean out our pantries for a good cause.
How's your Thursday?
Happy Sunday
Sunrise from earlier this week
Sunset last night
A hymn we sang in church this morning.
🎶 Redeemed 🎶
Fanny Crosby
1. Redeemed, how I l...
23 hours ago
We've participated in that food drive every year for who knows how long though. Thanks for bringing a reminder... I'll start getting some stuff ready.
I'm glad you got to do some shopping. I hope it lifted your blues.
Take care friend!
I'm glad your day got better. And thanks for the reminder about the food drive.
That food drive is a great cause to work for. I like those types of things.
The food drive is alive and well here. I'll have a couple of small boxes full of staples for pickup. At one time I did canned goods but found that many people did that and staples were in short supply. Also baby formula is a good item for donation.
I'm glad the second half of your day was better than the first. I understand better than you realize about the need to hang onto your sanity during the teen years.
I'm glad things got better for you yesterday. We've been working on our glass collection too. I think we need more tablespoons and knives as well.
Glad to hear that you day ended up better than it started.
I live on a rural postal route but I'm going to check with our post office anyway. Sounds like a great idea.
Thanks for the link. It's a great idea. I don't like to clothes shop either and when I do I usually try to buy a LOT of stuff, so I don't have to do it again any time soon. I bought these great pants recently and can't find a top to go with them and the pants were a final sale. Bummer. Waaaah.
Oh good, it got better:)
I hope you have a great weekend....and a very happy Mother's Day!
Glad things got better. I've got some canned goods ready to go tomorrow. Thanks for the head's up Cheryl.
Happy Mothers Day!
I have a p.o. box so I pick up my own mail at the post office. I'll have to check and see if they have something there.
I don't like to clothes shop either. If I find one thing I like, I may get three of them just to save time and shopping!
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