I'm a voyeur in my own backyard. Here in my hammock, the birds and squirrels think I'm part of the scenery.
It's hard to keep up with writing now that we're in the midst of Springtime and there's so much to do in the garden. That's mainly what's kept me away. In a week or two everything will be in place and I'll have more leisure time. Right? Well, we'll see.
It was supposed to be a rainy weekend, but it's been beautiful! I went to Border's after work yesterday, then went looking for annuals and a certain hard to find tomato cage. Not the standard round metal kind, but a three sided green coated one. I'm trying to design some sort of squirrel-proof fence for my potted tomato plants. Anyone remember how the squirrels stole all my green tomatoes last year and half buried them around my yard? I really want to grow tomatoes on my deck, so I'm going to try to outsmart the squirrels. Is that possible? Anyway, I came home and finished mulching the big garden. I had a delicious Lean Cuisine dinner and then went for a long walk. It was a good day with lots of outdoor time.
I met Kit this morning at Panera's for coffee...without my laptop. I think that's a first. I went to my parent's house afterwards for a visit, and took my mother to McDonald's for breakfast. I went to Lowe's and Home Depot looking for my tomato cage but no luck. On my way home I stopped at K-Mart and finally, I found what I was looking for. Yes! My plan is to join 3 cages and cover them with chicken wire. And make a removable lid. It does seem like a lot of work for two plants. I'll run this all by my neighbor Kelly. She'll know if it's a good idea.
I planted some annuals when I got home, and trenched another garden. That's it for work today, and it's only 3:30. It's so pleasant here on my hammock. The sunlight is dappled through the trees. The chimes are singing. Two pairs of cardinals just put on a show right in front of me. Two females were fighting and one of the males was trying to break it up. A squirrel is about four yards from me on his hind legs, looking around. A pair of morning doves are hanging out on the deck edge, and the feeders are covered with goldfinches, house finches, cowbirds, and redwinged-blackbirds. To see a hummingbird on my new feeder would really make my day.
Anyway, that's my update. I hope it feels like Spring in your neck of the woods and that it's been a good weekend.
Happy Sunday
Sunrise from earlier this week
Sunset last night
A hymn we sang in church this morning.
🎶 Redeemed 🎶
Fanny Crosby
1. Redeemed, how I l...
23 hours ago
You inspire me. You are always so busy doing things that improve your life.
Today the sun is shining and the birds are singing. I actually can go out in a tshirt with no sweater. Yea for spring!!
Enjoy your day...
I remember your pesky squirrels well. I vaguely remember you having a tussle with them! LOL I love your set ways and they way you stay busy. You have been a good role model for me, Cheryl. You remind me of my parents in a good way. They stay so busy as well.
Best of luck in your war with the squirrels. They are some pretty clever little critters.
This squirrel wishes you a happy gardening season.
The picture in my mind of you in the hammock is so relaxing. Just the kind of calm I need after the past two weeks. Can I crawl in the picture with you and maybe just sit on the deck and breathe?
Glad you had a great day doing some of what you love and being surrounded by nature.
PS - I added an edit for you on the weekly challenge.
you have some back yard haven..
can I come over? :)
I can picture it perfectly by how well you painted the picture for all of us..it sounds beautiful!
If i were an artist I'd paint a canvas and the focal point would be a view from the hammock *(YOU!!) with the spring world around you!!
happy happy relaxing days..don't fret on the online time, I know you are busy, and I completely understand!
What a lovely description of your spring day.
Good luck on outwitting the squirrels. They are clever little rodents.
Such a lovely description of a peaceful summer's day in a sunny backyard. Those of us who have this....we are so lucky, aren't we. I just love summer...especially the smell of freshly cut grass. Wow. Sleep well tonight...you earned it.
i got some great bargains at Borders last week. the weather truly has been beautiful!
Is there anything that you cannot do? You put me to shame woman! I couldn't grow anything, not if my life depended on it...sigh. LOL
I hope you do get to see some hummingbirds. My in laws (who get them in their yard all the time) gave us a feeder when we moved, but we have never seen a single bird at it. I wonder if it has to do with being on a second floor deck by a highway? I hope you have better luck!
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