My heater blew out freezing cold air. The temperature gauge was above the red "H" for hot. I drove home from the restaurant last night scared. The body shop didn't open till 8:30 this morning. I had to cancel my 8:45 dermatologist appointment. The guy, Doug, felt so bad. He drove to my house to look at my car. When he got here he told me he lost sleep over the scratches I told him about. I told him I had thought he was an upfront guy, but now with the scratches and what happened on my way home, I wasn't sure. He assured me he was for real and would fix whatever was wrong. Seems the problem was an air pocket in the radiator or something like that. He had to put in more fluid a few times. He fix the heat. He let it run for a very long time. He told me to make an appointment to have the scratches fixed at my convenience and he would pay for a rental for me. I really did like the guy. Not in that way...he's married. I told him I would call him later in the day when I drove the car. I was able to reschedule the doctor's appointment for 1:45. How lucky was that? The car drove like a charm and Doug was very relieved. So the doctor....I'd last seen him about 30 years ago. His hair was tinted an awful color. He was a mover and a shaker. Very easy to talk to and got right down to business. I went to have a skin tag removed, plus a total body check too. Hear that Mo? He went crazy with his liquid nitrogen. Must have hit about 40 spots on my back. I have 'seborrheic keratoses'. Growths on the outer layer of the skin. They run in families and I'm the lucky one in mine. Me and my dad. They're not cancerous or caused by the sun. They come with age. Great. Then there were the skin tags on my neck and chest. It just went on and on. Every spot he worked on swelled and itched and it felt like I'd been stung all over by bees. I asked if he enjoyed a patient like me with lots of stuff to remove. He said yes, because the outcome is always so good. Yeah! He gave me lotion and I tried to get it on my back as best I could. To make a long story shorter, after about an hour or two all pain and uncomfortableness was gone. Now it just looks very yucky. Thankfully my face is fine. I'll go back in 3 weeks, and I'll be recommending him to everyone I know.
I hung out in Panera's for a while after that. Then took Emily to the mall. I wore my sneakers and walked while she shopped at American Eagle. It was so nice not to have to stay in the store like the other bored parents and wait.
So that was my day. It all turned out well. I'll have to make the day up to my mom, though.
From the Past
We got the snow overnight so I ended up not taking a morning walk
but did get my steps in the house.
Home all day doing a bit of work around the house and t...
11 hours ago
I need an appointment with my dermatologist. I'm worried about a spot on my face. UGH. I'm glad your car guy was good to you and your car. It's great to be able to trust someone these days.
I'm waaay behind and trying to catch up. It seems that my days are just a maze of check on that, do this, find something . . and on and on. I hope to be a better blogger soon.
I'm glad the fellow was concerned and did the right thing about your car. Not many folks like that around any more. Recent experience taught me that.
Tomatoes! You have tomatoes! Wow. Makes me want to try my luck.
You should have shopped for yourself at American Eagle!! They have really cute stuff :) Glad you found a good car dude. That's important. Someday I confess that I spent $400 and only went in for an oil change. SUCKER
I'm glad it all turned out well. You had quite a day!!
So glad the car thing is (slowly -- but, hopefuly surely) working out. Glad the dr.'s appointment went fine. I know it's not fun starting out a day that's in turmoil but I'm glad it ended well. That's when you can truly take a deep breath and say "Aaaaahhhh." ....until the next day....
Glad to hear your car is running fine again.
I need all new tires for mine.
Glad everything turned out ok with the car. I'm back from Boston. I waved at you going through Maryland. :)
Glad you went and got checked out. Your a good inspiration for me to get my butt into the Doc's - it's been a while!
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