I'm the bad kind of sick. The one where you would be under the covers with a box of tissues by your side. Instead I'm ready to leave for work. I felt this way yesterday and didn't know if I'd make it through work. We're talking sneezing, dripping nose, etc.. I'm washing my hands all the time. Using Purell. Spraying everything I come into contact with with Lysol. I'm booked solid and just can't take the time off. So, I'll slog on. Is it fair to my clients? They all agree that they'd rather have me sick than not have me. I was asleep an hour after I got home last night. I'm sure it will be the same today.
And, hey, my Verizon DVR still isn't working. Yup, they'll be here again tomorrow. At least the TV and Internet works.
Happy Wednesday :))
Another Old Walk
By morning it warmed up some and was raining turning
the snow into a slushy mess so decided not to go to town to walk
but got my steps inside again.
Taking ...
3 hours ago
Have you tried Theraflu?? The kind you mix with hot water? It is NASTY but it works!
Oh no! And to have to go to work on top of it. I hope you make it through the day and can get some good rest tonight.
Feel better.
love & chicken soup,
Oh Cheryl so sorry you are sick. I hope you're well again soon.
I can't believe the Verizon guy has to come again!!! Good luck!
ouch. Sorry to hear that you're sick too! Try some zicam it'll shorten the cold..and the netipot too...
I'm silly even if you were my stylist I'd much prefer you cancel and reschedule my appt then get me sick accidentally by a a-a-a-achoo!
bless you and feel better!
Feeling for you. I can't remember the last time I was sick like a cold so I better knock on wood. Get to feeling better soon, gal!
Cheryl, Cheryl, Cheryl -- so the Zicam didn't appeal to you? Feel better!!!
You poor baby! I hate having to work while I'm sick, but it's happened and it's not my favorite thing to do. Sometimes you have no choice!!
Take care of yourself.
Oh! Feel better soon! I'm sorry you feel so bad. I hope tonight finds you with a cup of hot tea, under a warm blanket, feeling a lot better.
I've washed my hands so much lately they're beyond help.
Oh,dear! Feel better soon. Wish your clients would give you a day off to rest up!
I want to fuss at you about not taking a day off to take care of you. But, I won't. Not yet anyway.....
not the 'bad' kind of sick!!! oh nooos!! I hope you feel better very soon. hugs! ac
Wait just a gol-darn-minute here - Your cleints want you working while your sick? I'm sure they didn't mean it that way but what about taking care of yourself!
Of course if you saw my hair you'd know it's not that high of a priority for me! - Hope your feeling better.
Feel better soon! Nyquil is my savior when it comes to stuff like this. You can take Dayquil while you're at work. Won't make you drowsy so you won't be cutting 1/2 inch bangs on anyone. Take care of YOU. Hugs.
I can sort of live without cable and DVR but I ABSOLUTELY HAVE TO HAVE INTERNET or I start to go crazy.
I hope you feel better.
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