Kidding. Today was still my Sunday, so I have days to go. I think I get it. Work starts on Tuesday, and Saturday's not that far away. That's why time seems to fly.
It was an unproductive day, but I was fine with that. There was nothing pressing. I have the morning to make today's phone calls. I threw out the pile of papers I wanted to read. What I don't know, I won't miss. Less stress. I had my Verizon buddy Ray here for a couple of hours. My odd problems seem to be fixed. I'm nervously optimistic. Well, really, I don't believe the fix is real but I hope to be proven wrong. I made lasagna today. It was just OK but I've been making Texas Toast, and that stuff is killer! It's like the Hamburger Helper of any meal. Does that make sense?
That's all I've got. A quickie. A hello to my friends. Thanks for being there. For being here.
Happy Sunday
Sunrise from earlier this week
Sunset last night
A hymn we sang in church this morning.
🎶 Redeemed 🎶
Fanny Crosby
1. Redeemed, how I l...
4 hours ago
Thanks for you kind words. Keep up the bloggin. I'll be looking in and following along. Take care and be good to yourself....and to someone else.
Good Morning Cheryl.
Hope you have seen the last of your buddy Ray.
Enjoy today. :-)
I thought Texas toast was just big bread???
So things aren't heating up with Ray?
Yep - sometimes you just gotta throw all the papers and magazines out. You could drive yourself crazy trying to keep up with all of that.
Texas Toast is addicting, isn't it?
Enjoy your... Sunday? ;)
It kind of make sense that an wierd problem would have a weird solution, what ever it was that the ended up doing. Fingers crossed!
What the hec is texas toast?
-off to google toast.
mmm, yes, it makes perfect sense! it is basically big frozen slices of bread that come seasoned and ready to toast. i went through a T.T. phase a while ago, and now that you mention it, it might be time for another:)
i hope today was a good "monday"!
p.s. thanks again for the encouragement with quitting the smoking! i appreciate that you offer it even though i continue to try and so far continue to ...not succeed.
look...i'm here. i told you i'd get over here someday,
you sound good-- everywhere i've seen you tonight-- trying to get caught up-- believe it or not.
thanks for all your coolness on my page--- what a good friend you are.
you still readin that book?
i'm glad you liked it.
how's your girl?
mine is home as of this eve!!!
wish us luck eh?
hugs to you
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