It's Sunday night. Where'd the time go? Why am I spending every weekend in? Oh, right, Winter. Well, it's Spring now and the weather's going to warm up and I'll be out and about more. It was a nice day today. I tried to start my mower but it wouldn't start. And I didn't want to try too many times because of the bad shoulder and having to pull the cord. I need help putting it in my car to have a tune-up. It's time. I did some gardening. Raking. Puttering. I took a wimpy walk. Twenty minutes and I was winded. That's what happens when you stop exercising. I was doing so well before the knee and shoulder problems; now I've lost my mojo. Just in time for less clothes :))
I had a great night last night after a hard day at work. I met my cousin Jill at a favorite restaurant, Pei Wei. It's owned by PF Chang, a chain, and I love everything I've eaten there. So we hung out, then went to Starbucks to hang some more. When we parted I stopped off at another Starbucks...I just wasn't in the mood to be home. Emily was out for the evening. I turned the TV on when I got in and after a while decided to program the DVR to record my series. Guess what happened?? Try hard... The set top box turned off. And on. And off. And off. And no more TV. So this morning I texted my tech, but he didn't return my text. And I called the second tech. And was assured someone would show up. And that they would call my cell when they were on their way. Every once in a while the TV would randomly turn itself on and stay on for 10 seconds or so. That was weird. I took Emily to the store for some supplies for a project. And came home to a message on my home phone saying Verizon was here at 5:15 and no one was home so I should call to schedule a new service call. I got home at 5:16. Can you feel my blood boiling? I called Verizon, talked to someone, relayed my sad saga and was assured someone would be here by 6:00. I called again at 7:30 and guess what? Someone will be here between 1-5 tomorrow and will call my cell first. Believe that? And guess what else? My TV has been working for the last hour. I'm not touching the DVR. I'm not holding my breath for them to show up either.
So...Facebook. 'They' say it's becoming the portal to the web. The first place people go to when they sign in. A bunch of us are friends on Facebook. Are you on Facebook? Do you want to be my friend? Email me to let me know so I can friend you. I like that you can write just a little. Sometimes that's so much easier.
Well, it's 9 PM. I think I'll read the newspaper. Kind of backwards, but hey...
From the Past
We got the snow overnight so I ended up not taking a morning walk
but did get my steps in the house.
Home all day doing a bit of work around the house and t...
1 hour ago
Sorry about your tv issues. My daughter's tv won't even work. Guess we'll be calling DISH soon.
That is so strange about the TV. It is acting possessed!
How frustrating with the whole TV thing!
I started swimming a while back and I did something to my hip. Trying to do something good and something else goes! Can't win sometimes.
Weird tv you have there.
I can't believe Verizon. They can get even me to say a few choice bad words!!!
No facebook for me. I have no desire to hear from old school friends. They were never very nice to me!!
I just wanted you to know that I'm still reading. I have been a little cranky lately, quite unhappy actually. I don't write as much as I used too. I'm headed to the doctor tomorrow to figure it all out. Hopefully. A beginning anyway.
My cable company down here is Comcast. I am on their list for tomorrow from 3 to 7. I ordered a pay per view movie and the flowing ever changing colors were not condoning to watching a movie. I doubt that both my tv's are having color issues at the same time.
Now they did call to confirm tomorrows appt and while talking to me told me I had to answer tomorrow or they wouldn't show. I so love the cable company.
I hope your cable issues solve themselves soon.
Have an awesome week.
Our DVR was acting strange last week too. Wacky-strange. But we were too busy to deal with it or the cable people. Waiting for a repair person is the worst. Finally my husband unplugged it for the day and when we plugged it back in it worked fine. Good luck to you! MIME
I know I sound like I'm from another generation saying this, but seriously. Didn't stuff used to last? And we pay so much more money these days for "technology" that either has a mind of its own or just plain doesn't work! What an inconvenience. Hope it gets sorted out soon.
So sorry about the TV issues. Aren't tech appointments annoying?
I'm just not ready to deal with Facebook.
I had fun on Facebook on Saunday, but chatting with two people at the same time is not advised - that was just nuts! - Woke up 4:30 am Monday morning with a green face and a sick tummy - all better now! Aparently there's a bug going round! be warned!
When I have tv issues I usually just unplug from the wall and then reboot the whole systems, it always works. Now that thats said my tv will probably go out! Good luck with it. Love facebook already friends. Have a good day!
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