Emily started her new job today at a different Rita's. The old boss was a bully. I hope this is much better. The new boss sent out a e-mail to all the employees with their schedules and included a blurb about welcoming Emily as the newest member of their team. She's a hard worker, and it will be great for them to have a new hire that's experienced. The store is 7 miles and 15 minutes from home.
Yesterday on our way out of the neighborhood we saw a little Asian boy, about 3, standing by a 4-way stop, barefoot and alone, trying to cross the street. I passed him by, then made a U-turn. Emily asked if he was lost. He didn't seem to understand. She got out of the car and made sure it was safe for him to cross. I called the police and waited for them, watching the boy walk down the sidewalk and out of sight. Three police cars showed up and went looking, asking us to wait. It took about 15 minutes, but they found his house and he was there. The father didn't know he was gone. The little brother that was supposed to be keeping an eye on him didn't do his job. We were glad we could help. Our good deed for the day.
It's beautiful here. I'm off to the pool. Another day of life being good.
Is that long purple flower from a butterfly bush? Beautiful. How about the pink flowers with the yellow ones, vinca or impatiens?? Love them!!
Your daughter seems to grow more beautiful every day! She looks more and more like her mother, though she would probably groan to hear that. :-) I love your photos, and am so very glad that you took the time to make sure that little boy was safe!
Good for you for getting involved and making sure that little boy was safe! I shudder to think of what awful things could have happened to him.
Your garden is beautiful!!
Your garden is really looking great.
I can't believe your neighbor is still working on those doors!!
I need to get a new glass for my rain gauge - I broke mine.
Good job with the little boy. Wendy found a three year old last week running down the street! Did she tell you about it?
Also, is that the neighbor with the crappy garage doors, or is this another one?
I LOVE that you're blogging every day! Is the big purple flower from a butterfly bush? It's GORGEOUS! :) Thanks for posting the pictures...Emily looks so pretty!
man, God IS good. I hope that father has learned his lesson.
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