It was a busy day at home. I'd love to find out what it would be like to be off of work for a while (and not have to worry about money). Who wouldn't, I know. I wrote a list (in my notebook) of all the things I did get done today, and it's really inconsequential. I doubt, however, if I had the opportunity, that I'd use my time wisely. I'd probably waste most of it. Who knows?
The basement is slowly shaping up. I finally got realistic about what I think I could actually sell, and now have a very large 'donate' area. I think I'll wait till the weather isn't so brutally cold, and bring all that 'stuff' to a donation center. It was interesting (to me anyhow) to go through all the gifts I've bought, for one reason or another, and not given. I didn't even know I had half the stuff I found. Time to start giving things away. One task I accomplished, that was so long overdue, was to go through my recipes. Every time I have to find a recipe, I wind up looking through the same bulging binder full of untried, unused recipes. A majority of them found their way to the recycle bin today. I had to be realistic about what I would actually ever use.
I did spend time watching the birds that visited my deck, the feeders, and the birdbath that's attached to the deck railing. I've gotten so much pleasure out of that birdbath. It's heated and the birds use it all year-round. It was only in the teens here today with a fierce wind. At one point I looked outside to see a wave of water spraying out of the bath by a gust of wind. I refilled it and after a while saw icicles formed along the bath's edge. The weather didn't stop the birds from bathing. Sometimes three or four of them would be in there at a time. It was one popular house for the birds as I also put out a box of crushed corn flakes that had expired. The only ones who didn't make much of an appearance were the squirrels. They think I put seed in the feeders for their pleasure and can empty one in a day.
All in all = a very good day.
Another morning for walking just like yesterday.
Started out dark, 30 degrees, clear and the came the sun toward the end.
Sunrise 7:34
Finished reading Th...
7 hours ago
Your picture slide show was AWESOME! I love hearing Norah Jones. So glad you had a good day. I promise I am going to email you soon. I am kind of backed up as far as email goes these days. Sleep good tonight and have a great day tomorrow.
I loved the pictures Cheryl. I wish I had time to do that stuff. It's all about work and no time for play right now. Gotta make that money, you know?
Andrew. Thanks. I thought the music fit the pictures. And, I'm happy to say I got a good night's sleep.
AbbaIt took me too long to make that slide show, but I had a lot of pictures and some time. I'm glad you liked them.
I'm always afraid if I let a "Donate" pile sit too long it won't move.
Maybe there is a charity in you area willing to pick it up for free so you don't have to go out. Check your local phone book. Our St. Vincent DePaul picks up stuff around here.
Have a good day Cheryl!
I have this mental picture of the birds bathing in that kind of cold. Makes me freeze and smile at the same time. :)
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