Here's a picture of the dessert I made yesterday. I think I'll make another batch to bring to work.

I called and spoke to a manager at J.C.Penney this morning. I told her about our trip to the mall yesterday and our plan to shop at American Eagle. I relayed how excited we were when we saw the great clothes and prices in Penny's Juniors department. I described what we bought. I also told her about our check-out experience--the lack of eye contact and no thank you from the sales clerk. Then I told her about the frayed tank top and the security tag that was left on the Valentine's Day tee shirt. She was very nice and understanding. She gave me her name and told me to see her this afternoon when I come back to the store.
I think (know) I'm procrastinating now. Time to go back to my chores.
Oh! You and I are the same when it comes to shopping! I hate going into a store and the cashier is so mechanical, talking in that monotone voice. And no thank you really irks me. It's like, HELLO! I am standing in front of you helping to pay your wages. Can you pay a little attention to me or even acknowledge that I am breathing? Ugh!
Needless to say, you handled the situation with true class, unlike the tantrum I was throwing back there. :)
Im glad everything worked out with Penny's... and that dessert looks
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