Why not one more?
I don't think I've ever posted 3 times in a day. Since today is so out of the ordinary, what with the weather and staying in all day, I thought I'd just keep going. I left the house for a short time to shovel my neighbor's driveway and walkways. She would have done the same for me, and I needed to get out of the house. The snow was really heavy and I'm sure I'll feel it tomorrow. I hung out in my bedroom for most of the day. I watched the latest episode of 'What About Brian' on my laptop. I love that show. I think it's great that I don't have to set my VCR to record anymore. Most of what I like to watch can be found online after it airs. Also, there's something I find appealing about watching the show up close and personal...as in on my lap. The laptop coolpad I have works very well.
So, lazy day. I even took a bath. Read a book. Didn't really eat a meal. My plan for tonight? Watch the Academy Awards till the end. Tomorrow I'll get something done.
Another morning for walking just like yesterday.
Started out dark, 30 degrees, clear and the came the sun toward the end.
Sunrise 7:34
Finished reading Th...
7 hours ago
I love the fact that you posted more than once today. It gives me something to do in my oh so boring life. I would much rather read about what others are doing. I love the fact that ABC airs free episodes. I can watch a whole season if I want to. I usually catch up on Grey's Anatomy if I happen to miss it on Thursday nights. It's my favorite.
Well, enjoy getting something done tomorrow. I will be back to read about it.
Sounds like you've had a busy blogging day!
I didn't know they had episodes on the internet! Just google for them???
Lazy days are just as necessary as the other ones. Even though I like my job, I'd burn out if I'd only work.
abbagirl74...yesterday was a lazy day around the house but a busy day posting. That was a switch. I still have Jericho to catch up on.
susan...just go to abc.com, cbs.com, etc.. They all have full episodes.
amanda...I like the lazy days during the day. At night, I feel guilty about all the stuff I didn't do. Still...
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