Mundane thoughts: something about coupons. I come from a coupon family. I grew up knowing you don't buy something expensive from the grocery store without a coupon or without it being on sale. This has been passed down to the kids in my family and to our children. You see, my mother was a cashier at a grocery store. She collected coupons. Growing up, we'd buy extra newspapers just for the coupons. I come from a very frugal family. Both of my parents worked for grocery stores. My dad was always a deli manager. They both worked hard, and were savers. They instilled that in all of us kids. All 4 of us, that is. I cut out coupons every Sunday. I don't use many, but I have them just in case. I'm always surprised when Emily asks me to buy something in the store that's full price and expensive, like fruit roll-ups, let's say. She knows how I am. I'm not going to spend $3 on snack food, but I'd spend $1.50. I save a lot of money that way. My sister was saying recently that sometimes her son would start to ask her to buy something, but then remember and say, 'oh, I forgot, we don't have a coupon.' She said when she dies, her tombstone will read, 'I had a coupon.' My mom used to be the coupon-clipper and shopper before she had her stroke. Now my father does it, and relishes the job. He clips the coupons and will go to 3 different supermarkets to buy the sales.
Any other coupon clippers out there?
Another morning for walking just like yesterday.
Started out dark, 30 degrees, clear and the came the sun toward the end.
Sunrise 7:34
Finished reading Th...
7 hours ago
I waited all day for a post from you! :-)
I know how to be frugal. I pride myself in being so. I live on $837 dollars a month so I have to be. Strangely, I don't cut coupons though. I need to start doing that. You will have to share the ins and outs of doing so. I have never done it before.
I love coupons! Unfortunately only a few businesses use them around here.
Nope I don't... Now my Mom was. I have no doubt however that I would save a ton of cash doing it. "When will I ever learn!"
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