I'm sure that's because I don't have a valentine. I hope that those of you who do celebrated in a way that made you happy.

Things here in Maryland got shut down today from the weather we got yesterday and last night. I feel bad for all the people who had Valentine's Day plans and the businesses that were hurt by the weather. We got a winter mix of sleet, freezing rain and snow. My salon was closed, as was school. My parents, sister and brother have been without electricity for the last 14 hours. The wind is really howling outside and I fear that we'll lose power here. Please, no. So it was an out-of-sorts kind of day for me. I had an omelet and english muffin for breakfast. I guess I can't say I have oatmeal every single day anymore. I do like it better. Emily had chocolate chip pancakes instead of her half asiago cheese bagel. We did some cleaning. She wanted to exercise, so I asked her to shovel. She did it! It was a big job because the snow was so wet and heavy. She went sledding afterwards, on the ice. I ventured out to feed the birds (squirrels too) and salt the driveway. I watched two episodes of What About Brian on my laptop. It's a great way to watch TV because it's high def. I scrubbed the fiberglass floor of my shower. I don't think it will ever come clean. I took out some silicone caulk from my shower. I was sorry I ever started on that. I sprayed the shower door with WD-40. I read it cleans soap scum. I'll find out when I take a shower tomorrow. I made that cracker dessert again to bring into work. It's just been a day of this and that. This post is not very exciting, huh? That's OK...my life isn't either, at least not today. I think I'll work on that tabblo.
Your blog is always exciting. I love to read about your day. We have much in common, so it's nice to know what someone else is doing. I am just going to have to try that dessert. Maybe I will make it this weekend. Hope the power stays on.
February and March sometimes have worse weather than the fall and rest of winter months combined. Things sound pretty grim over there, but I hope won't be the case for you guys this year!
I'll be your Valentine. There's nothing that says I can't have more then one. I've gotta enough love for ya sugar. :)
Love the green in the photo. greens,blues and shades of gray are all my favorite.
Beautiful photo!
Have you tried alcohol on the soap scum? Be sure to have adequate ventilation. This is recommended prior to re-doing caulk to be sure it is clear of soap scum. The wd40 could be a problem if it stays in those areas that need new caulk, as it will keep it from adhering ...
Great picture! I love the way the trees arch over the road.
Wow, a kid that willingly works? What's your secret???
Where, oh where is one of my favorite bloggers???? Missing your posts. I know you are busy and I will wait patiently. I hope work went well today. I have been a lazy bum and have been glued in front of this computer all day. Feeling kind of shakey today for some reason and totally unmotivated.
Jonathon Andrew
abbagirl One nice thing about blogging is finding out how we're all connected. Be prepared to eat more than you want if you make that dessert. It's too good!
amanda We're making up for all our warm weather. My sister still has no power after 63 hours. I'm so thankful we didn't lose ours. It's so cold outside!
proxima I'll take you. Thanks. I also love green and love that font.
kristen The alcohol didn't do it. I'll use it again when it's all clean. It will take away the remnants of WD40, which did not perform a miracle.
susan I couldn't believe it when she said she'd shovel. Then she said she liked it. Who is this child?
andrew Sometimes I spend the day in front of my computer, then feel guilty for all the things I didn't do.
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