Today's class was on hair texturizing. There were only 5 students, and the other 4 were from the same salon. We had long hair mannequins, and learned a few new techniques. Since my mannequin still has a lot of hair to work with, I'm going to do more cuts on her.

In most households it would be a little freaky to see a mannequin sitting around. Not here. I have a collection of them. This one was tonight's centerpiece.
I went to Marshall's after the class, but then didn't feel like shopping. I went to the grocery store. Came home and made tuna salad. Sat outside on the deck in the chaise lounge reading the last few day's newspapers. Picked up Emily from practice. Finally figured out how to install the Bose speakers on her computer (they sound awesome). Ate dinner, read blogs, watched TV, and here I am. What? You didn't ask what I did today? Well there it is, anyway...
Time to read more of the Cliffs Notes on Pride and Prejudice. I officially gave up on the book last night. I just can't tolerate it.
you gotta remind me to post about the manequin ( i know i cant spell it) :)) head. tomorrow. i know i'll forget. but i saw that, and just cracked up.
anyhow... i just noticed you have me linked here. i been meaning to put you on mine. i forget.. so i just track you down from other pages. or my bookmarks. i'm so senile.
i'm whooped.
i'll be over tomorrow
have a good night.
sorry you dont have the bird anymore... but you were great to take care of him and get him a family. kudos .
I saw this blog from the 4th Avenue Blues Blog. Loved the mannequin head on the table. Too funny! Nice hair cut, though!
I too have a feeling the birdy will be quite happy there. And I wish I could switch with that doll for a bit. My hair could sure use it. :)
If you can't tolerate it, I'm sure I won't be able to. And it's sitting on my night stand.
Yes, I KNEW my boss is an idiot for lots of reasons, and this just further proves it, he LOVES this book, ah least he is a lovable idiot...
Your bird story is kind of sad, but i am happy that he went to a good home. Let us know when you get a new one...
Have a good work week!
Wow, I feel honored. thank you for linking me! What's a social network for anyway... the head is awesome. I'll take any of your extras. I once made a "sculpture" of a naked barbie doll riding a metal dog. Kept in on top of the t.v. What I really liked about this post Cheryl, was that I was never aware of how or if hairdressers continued to educate themselves. How common is this?
I was going to on a picnic today, but it's raining and dreary outside.
I guess I'll just have to catch up on some TV. So what did you watch last night? ;)
i'm enjoying these pictures... expecially the upside down one as a center peice. :)
how are you holding up with birdie gone? I noticed you referred to him as "my bird.." you hadn't called him your own in the past postings..
Ha..those mannequin would sure be a fun talk of the neighborhood here..I'd stick them in random spots so the light from the room reflects on them making the outside world think I have all this activity going on here all hours of the night.
You could really freak out the young ones for halloween with them..Can I borrow a few? :)
Sounds like the bird has gone to a really good home. That is great news. Even though you might miss him, it must make you happy to know how happy he's gonna be there.
If ya don't like the book, why are you bothering to read more?? lol...
I have to confess though, I once did the same thing with Anna Karenina, because someone made a snooty comment about the fact that I probably wouldn't enjoy it since it was real literature. I started out reading the book and it was so freaking depressing that I switched to Cliff's notes, and I STILL ended up skipping half of it. just not my cuppa.
I love the upside down mannequin, maybe you'll get the chance to freak out a door to door salesman with it!
You did a good thing regarding the bird. :)
You crack me up. I can't blame you though, Pride and Prejudice is a long one. If I recall correctly, I went with Cliff's version on that one too. It's OK! He took enough notes for all of us;)
Sorry about the bittersweet goodbye. It does sound as though you found the perfect home for him. I hope he keeps in touch:)
Why did you get rid of your bird? Love the haircut on the manniquin! I am also here by way of 4th Ave Blues.
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