My daughter gets SO excited about her birthday. I always worry that the reality is going to be a letdown, but it's never seemed that way. That might be due to the birthday traditions that have been going on since she was 2. Because Emily was always a heavy sleeper, I was able to go into her room and decorate it after she fell asleep. Streamers, balloons, and curled ribbon were hung from every surface, so that when she woke up, the room would be transformed. It was a lot of work. The tradition also requires me to hang streamers in the kitchen, family room and in the doorways. She's an only child! About 2 years ago, I thought we were kind of done with doing the bedroom, but when I talked to her, she said no way. Last year I decorated it while she lay in her darkened room with her eyes closed. It was still the first thing she saw in the morning. Emily came home from the football game last night to find the birthday flag hanging outside, but no inside decorations. So, while I sat on the couch trying to watch Gray's Anatomy, she got out the birthday box and put the streamers up in the kitchen and family room, and put the HB sign and Birthday bear by the mantle. While she was still downstairs, I went up and decorated her bedroom. This morning I surprised her with the cupcakes, balloons, and her gift, Bose speakers for her computer. You'll see that she's wearing a crown. She's posed in that crown on her birthday since she was 1. Yes, I'm all about traditions.
PS... I'm make sure Emily sees all your birthday wishes. Thank you!
LOVE the crown. Is that REAL FUR?
Happy B'day to you
Happy B'day to you
Happy B'day Miss Emily
Happy B'day to you
At 14 you are officially a teenager. Enjoy the teen years and always remember to share them with Mom. Some of my most loved memories are my boys sharing their teen years with me and I'm sure your Mom will, too. Have a fun day.
What a nice birthday tradition every year.
You look at least 16! :-) and very pretty.
Hi again, I sent you an email. I think I fixed the part about the photo whining and it seems to be working.
Happy belated B'Day Em!!!!
Awww... I LOVE traditions like that! Happy Birthday Emily - hope you enjoy your day!
What a great start! (And picture, btw) Birthday traditions are the best, because they are all about the one person who most deserves them on that very special day.............
Happy, happy birthday Emily!
You look beautiful!
And every princess needs a crown...
(My daughter had a birthday crown too. I measured her head while she was sleeping, and made it myself. She wore her crown whenever she wanted to feel special, and she wore it until it was in shreds.)
Happy, Happy, Happy, Happy, Happy, Happy, Happy, Happy, Happy, Happy, Happy, Happy, Happy, Happy, Happy, Happy, Happy, Happy, Happy, Happy, Happy, Happy, Happy, Happy,
Happy, Happy, Happy, Happy, Happy, Happy,
Happy, Happy, Happy, Happy, Happy, Happy, Happy, Happy, Happy, Happy, Happy, Happy, Happy, Happy, Happy, Happy, Happy, Happy, Happy, Happy, Happy, Happy, Happy, Happy,
Happy, Happy, Happy, Happy, Happy, Happy, Happy, Happy, Happy, Happy,
Birrrthdayyyyyyyyyyyyy! Emily!
And many more.
I think it's a fantastic tradition! Good job, Cheryl and Happy Birthday, Emily!
Dearest Emily,
I know you are a true blessing to your mom. As an only child, you carry the weight of the world on your shoulders sometimes. I know my kid does. But don't ever forget how special you are to have such a wonderful, caring mom. You so mean the world to her, we can tell by how she writes about you. I hope this is one of many special years for you. Good luck, have fun, and be safe.
Happy Birthday Emily!!!!!
HAPPY BIRTHDAY Emily!!! Wishing you a fun filled year ahead! A path of a bright future awaits you. Walk ahead bravely and never be afraid to dream!
Happy Birthday Emily....hope you have a great day! Love those cupcakes!
awh<3 thanks guys!
and no way is that real fur! its just like fake feather stuff lol what kind of eco friendly, vegetarian would wear a fur crown
:[ sad sad sad. but anyways, today was loads of fun.
You are such a good mom, and good lord, she is beautiful! Have a wonderful weekend!
Happy Belated Birthday Emily!
You've got the world's best mom!
What an awesome mom... what a lucky kid... blessings to you both!
Wow, how wonderful....sounds like lots of fun. Happy Birthday Emily...here's to many, many more.
HAPPY BIRTHDAY EMILY!!! Enjoy this time in youre life, it's a special time.
Happy belated bday Emily!
Cheryl, this post made me cry-happy tears for you that you've been able to experience this with here every year, and you know without a doubt the tradition will be carried on with her own child someday..and a bit of sad too-I'll never experience this type of daughter mother traditions..I'll only be the mother in law. :)
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