I received a e-mail from the couple I gave the bird to and thought I'd post it here. It looks like she's in the perfect home.
Just a quick note to let you know everything is fine. Joyce came up with April for her name. She is so loving it's incredible. She likes to climb up my shirt and sleep right under my chin. I missed a good picture of them sitting on the fireplace screen when I got home Monday from work. Until April got here, Pesto just sat on the cage waiting to see my car pull into the driveway. Not anymore. Now they both start chirping only when I open the back door and I never know where they will be. I got her to nibble a little on broccoli, carrot and apple tonight. A good start. April tried to preen Pesto Monday night, he wouldn't let her ... but it won't be long. They are never more than 2 feet apart. Pesto use to sleep in the cage, but now they both sleep on top of the cages. Oh, I forgot to ask, will she eventually go into the cage to get water? I have been leaving food and water on the ottoman until she feels more at home.
Nice, huh? I'll post pictures when I get them.
Last night's shopping trip was a huge success. We started off at Panera's for dinner. Emily must have been really hungry because she had a grilled cheese sandwich, a bowl of French Onion soup, yogurt, milk and some chips. Then we went to Arundel Mills, and parked by Off Broadway Shoes. Do you know that store? It's like a warehouse, but very organized. She loved the first pair of shoes we saw and they were perfect and on sale. What could be better? She also got a pair of Birkenstock style clogs. We walked the mall, and she ate a Cinnabon roll. When we got home she had a bowl of ice cream. Like I said, she must have been hungry.
I'm working my day off today, and it's time to get ready. Happy Thursday!
Happy Sunday
Sunrise from earlier this week
Sunset last night
A hymn we sang in church this morning.
🎶 Redeemed 🎶
Fanny Crosby
1. Redeemed, how I l...
9 hours ago
i had to read the first sentence of this post a few times to understand what you meant... i thought you 'gave the bird' (flicked someone off) and they e-mailed you... i was like what in the world?!
haha. panera is my spot... free wifi and chai.
jim baker
Thank you for those kind words you left on my blog. :-) That is enough to make anyone HAPPY!
I know Off Broadway Shoes well. DSW or is it DWS? is the same type of shoe store.
We go to Arundel Mill once in a while. Maybe we will run into each other one day. :-)
Glad Emily found some shoes she liked and on sale!
now cheryl, i won't see you on ellen's t.v. show crying about the bird will i? ok, just making a little joke. anyway, i'm glad you found a nice home for april.
i plan on taking some classes on hair cutting & color soon just to brush up a bit though i don't plan on doing hair except maybe for family. but since i'm going to own my shop, i want to stay up on things. have a great day!
Awww, I'm so glad the bird is in such a good home. It makes me wonder what kind of torture my poor cockatiel must have endured before he came to us because he is not sweet like that, and is in fact prone to cage-rage. Those people sounds like great pet owners.
How cool that the first pair of shoes worked out. Can't wait to see the outfit!
It's cool that bird has a new friend to hang out with. I think birds are pretty social animals so he won't be lonely there with his new friend.
Do you think they could clone this bird and send me an egg?
Happy Thursday Dear Friend,
Glad to hear the bird is happy and settling in. Reading about what Emily ate all day made me hungry! Hope your day was good at work and I hope we hear from you tonight.
I'm so glad your bird is doing well. Sounds like she made a new friend.
We don't have a shoe place like that around here. Too bad!
This is my first visit to your blog and the first sentence made me wonder if you were getting death threats or what.
that is the sweetest story about the bird...and I love her name! April, awww, and chin snuggles? awwwwwww. Sounds like April is really interested in bird bonding :) do you think she's been spayed?
Hi Cheryl,
I used to work at Disney for 4 years. It is magical. I had a blast. I was a friend of Mickey's. Or his puppy if you know what I mean.
I am really hoping for good weather for the shuttle launch. And lets keep our fingers crossed that there is no technical difficulties.
Tomorrow night I am going to the Brookes and Dunne/ Alan Jackson concert. My daughter, my sons girlfriend and I are all going. A girls night out for sure. Alan Jackson puts on a great show.
It sounds like your daughter is getting ready to grow again. Kids have good food days and bad food days. Just like we do. I call it refueling when I do that.
I hate to shop. So I will let you guys have fun in the shoe store. I buy my flip flops on line.
Have an awesome weekend.
So sweet!! I'm glad you got the shoes and now it's just a matter of prepping for the ball. .:)
Enjoy yourself and have a great friday!!
I forgot to say, CINNABONS!! YUM!! The middle is always the best! I dump the extra frosting right SMACK into the middle of that frostful yummie so that when I make it to the middle the warmth has melted it into a glaze of delicious yummiers..
the ones at Mcdee's are decent if you need a quick fix although not the same, but they will pacify your sweet tooth. :)
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