I'm listening to Alison Krauss and Robert Plant performing on the Today show. Big disappointment. I think Alison sings like an angel, and you can't even hear her voice.
It's rainy and cool today. Who ever thought I'd be excited about that? I wish it would rain for days. We really need it. I think the cooler weather (60's) is here for a while. This might be my last week of wearing sandals to work. Boo hoo. I don't want to wear real shoes! Soon it will be clogs every day. To me, standing on my feet for a living, there's nothing more comfortable. Not so stylish, but neither am I.
I've been glued to the TV watching the coverage of the California fires. I can't begin to imagine what it's like to be there, to be evacuated, to lose everything. I contemplate what I would take if I had to leave my home, maybe forever. I worry that California will burn to the ground. I hope the fires end soon.
I'm procrastinating getting ready for work. Can't do it any longer...
Happy Sunday
Sunrise from earlier this week
Sunset last night
A hymn we sang in church this morning.
🎶 Redeemed 🎶
Fanny Crosby
1. Redeemed, how I l...
9 hours ago
I listened to a selection on my Border's email and didn't really like it either.
I can so relate to your affection for your sandals. I wear them year around, nothing else, except on the rare ocassions when the snow falls and I have to prevent frostbite. I really hate the confinement of shoes, and would much prefer going barefoot if we could get away with it! :-) I am not into stylish either, comfort is me!
ANY time you have to choose between comfort and style, choose comfort. Life is too short to spend it being uncomfortable because you want someone else to see you as fashionable.
Alison Krauss has an amazing voice. She's one of the few country singers I'll listen to.
I feel your pain - I love my sandals. Winter shoes just feel so confining. If you're standing on them all day though, you gotta take care of 'em.
Switching from summer footwear to autumn/winter kinda stinks, huh? I understand, as I look down at my tenny shoes and socks suffocating my poor feet.
Thanks for mentioning the California fires. We should all do what we can to send prayers and good thoughts toward the hard working firemen and the evacuated families who have just lost their home.
Makes me grateful for the cool weather and rain outside my safe home.
Have a good day at work!
In my opinion, comfort is a style, and a very smart one. I hope you enjoy the cool weather!
It is very chilly here. I will have to start wearing blue jeans instead of shorts soon. Thinking of you today. I am so envious of you and your life! I want that calm happiness and serenity to exude! I look up to you. I hope you know that. Take care of yourself and I look forward to your next post.
Jonathon Andrew
It's still so warm over there... While here a fur coat seems more and more tempting! :)
i have another blog pal who has several family members in southern california... it must be horrible , like you said to be there and have to face all of that. i feel for the people there.
as to what to take , in a hurry... people, pets, and photos. everything else is replaceable .
i have lost "everything" more than once , and those are the things i miss the most.
here's to comfy shoes.
My nephew, Ricky, who occasionaly comments on my posts lives in Vista, CA. He's north of San Diego and south of LA. It doesn't look good but if the Santa Anna winds will just lay maybe the firefighters can get a handle on the fires. So much destruction, so many people out of homes. My prayers go out to them.
I spent years in business suits, hose, and heels. Gave them all away the week after I retired. Never again. I only have jeans, tshirts, and loafers. I mostly go barefoot. I love my style.
I finished the book (Elsewhere). What a concept. I bought the hardback and it'll be a keeper. I gave it the inscription: "At the Suggestion of My Blogging Friend, Cheryl - October, 2007" I have quiet a library and most of my books have an inscription.
I can relate re the sandals..i hate switching back to other shoes from sandals...but i do love winter.
So sad to see all that's going on in California...we have CNN on and i just can't imagine what that is like.
Hope you had a great day Cheryl.
Happy to hear that you are getting your rain, and yes, the fires in California are terrible, and hard for us midwesterners to imagine. Try and have a good day, and go get ready for work!
I'm another one who goes for the comfortable shoes. As a walker I have to take care of my feet. :-)
I hate putting my sandals away for the winter too.
I love Allison Krauss, it's too bad that duet did not work out.
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