It's been a day. I don't know if I should say long or short. My wonderful neighbor Kelly took me to my appointment. She's still wonderful even though she drank coffee in front of me when I couldn't have any. The waiting room at the Diagnostic Center was crowded with people waiting their turn to be seen and others waiting to drive patients home. I had to be there at 9:00 for my 10:00 procedure. I wasn't called till 10:40. That was a lot of waiting around. My RN took me back, and told me she'd be puttng an IV in. I told her that I don't like them, but know they're necessary. She put one in the top of my hand, and it really hurt. She hadn't done it right and put another one in the crook of my elbow. I relayed the story my co-worker told me about not staying asleep during her procedure. She told me this doctor was very good about prescribing enough. My nurse wheeled me in, had me lay on my side, and the next thing I knew I was waking up in the recovery room. I was messed up on that 'twilight sleep.' I couldn't talk right, kept repeating myself, and was aware that I was doing it. I really thought they'd keep me in the recovery room longer, but they let me go. Probably needed the space. They took a biopsy, and I'll have to wait about 10 days to get the results. That stinks. I do think it's kind of routine, though. It seems like it's taken most of the day for the effects of the anesthesia to wear off. I've just been kind of groggy. We stopped by Starbucks on the way home so I wouldn't feel deprived of my day-off coffee. I had a Pumpkin Latte. Yum. I ate as soon as I got home. Later I looked at the instructions and it said to eat beginning with a light diet-soup, toast, eggs. I didn't do that. It also said I could expect a mild sore throat. I don't have that either. I feel fine, just very tired.
I've mostly sat around today. I gave Emily a pedicure. I also practiced a hairdo on her-big barrel curls, but she hated it. Oh well. Sitting there used up all her patience and she didn't want me to do anything else. Her hair will look great just down and curly. I'll be taking pictures tomorrow, and will have her try on both dresses so you can see them. The new one is definitely fancier. I wonder how the other girls will dress? Emily's boyfriend isn't going. He doesn't like to dance, and Emily wanted to be able to hang out with her friends. She's going to have so much fun. I told her she could invite some friends (and boyfriend) over after the dance ends, and we'd order pizza or whatever she wants. I want my house to be the party house.
The Trader Joe's that's opening near my job should be ready any time now. I can't wait. I had one of their frozen pizzas for dinner tonight...Spinach pizza sprinkled with feta cheese and organic tomatoes. It was fantastic. I just finished up their frozen tropical fruit trios that I use in my smoothies. And the individual packets of flame raisins, and their birami rice. Oh, I just can't wait for that store to open.
Well, I'm heading upstairs to get in bed. I think I'll watch the shows I missed on Wednesday night on my laptop. That is, if I can stay awake.
Happy Sunday
Sunrise from earlier this week
Sunset last night
A hymn we sang in church this morning.
🎶 Redeemed 🎶
Fanny Crosby
1. Redeemed, how I l...
9 hours ago
Thanks for the update! I have been waiting all day wondering how you fared. Glad you didn't wake up. Take care of yourself tonight and enjoy the coffee in the morning. Tell Em I enjoyed her blog post too. Kept meaning to post something to encourage her to write and to blog. Your friend in Bama.
I'm glad everything seemed to go smoothly, although that does make for quite a day. It sounds like it will be a fun weekend! I hope it is:)
I'm glad the procedure went smoothly. They always seem to want to get people up and out quickly. Good thing you had somebody there to haul you around.
Sleep it off tonight and you'll feel great tomorrow.
That's one more thing done. I'm glad it was easy for you. Take advantage of being able to sleep because you have a big weekend ahead. I can hardly wait to see the dresses. I know Em will be beautiful in both. Smart Mom to host the kids' parties.
I'm glad to hear you slept through the whole procedure and didn't have too many after effects from the meds.
Emily's bff is making a pretty scary face down there. I hope that's for BHS!
Cheryl, there's nothing that can make a medical procedure friendly, so I'm just glad you came in and went out quickly.
You must be spent, and frustrated, and a little lost. Diagnosing an illness off the beaten path is a long process.
Please be extra good to yourself. And hang in, better days are ahead.
I hope you feel better tomorrow. The IV in the hand thing does hurt - I feel for you. Pamper yourself some - and I'll be thinking about you and wishing you well.
So glad you slept through it. You're not alone. I can't stand Iv's especially in the hand. ouchie!
A pumpkin latte sounds great. I haven't had one before, maybe I'll have to try one.
Take life nice and easy this weekend. You deserve it!
Whew. I'm glad that's over for you. Can't wait to see the pictures of Em in her dresses!
So glad the biopsy went over well. As always empathize with the waiting and I wish for the best possible result.
I like that particular pizza too. Especially if I sprinkle half-a-ton of green Tabasco on it.
Oh I love that pizza, my favorite! I am looking forward to having Trader Joes across the street from my house. I'm glad the worst part of your procedure was the i.v. although I'm sorry it was so creepy for you. That's not something I mind too much, but tubes in my way.
I'm so glad to hear that the procedure went smoothly and you're feeling good. You're so lucky that you don't react poorly to the anesthesia! And after reading about the Trader Joe's opening near you, I have to confess that I'm jealous. The nearest one to me is 25 miles away. I have one of my co-workers stop by the one near her house to get me almond butter.
well that's out of the way, you can try to focus on positive things for awhile.
Hang in there Cheryl
Hey there. Glad to hear everything went well. Loved the post from Em. I remember doing that in school when playing basketball against our rivals. We always dressed up but wore our jerseys over our clothes when walking into the gym. Crazy.
I'm glad you got that over with and things went well. Relax and take it easy. :-)
I'm missing my Saturday night dose of LaDeDa! Hope you are enjoying this beautiful weather. Missing you tonight.
dahlink! regarding your commment on my blog... not all of us need to be so I am happy for you to just write to ME (until it's safe). I LOVE the food blogs. They are soooo beautiful. I wish the art blogs were as nice. I'm in the mood for coffee..., maybe YOUR Panera sometime soon. Glad you like my your honor.
Glad thats over. How nice to have such a good neighbor. Hope your feeling better today to enjoy em's day!! take lots of pictures!!
I am glad the procedure went smoothly.
How horrible to get jabbed twice for the IV (: I hate IVs too.
Well u need some fun this weekend after tht experience.
Pumpkin latte, I never tried tht before!
I'm so glad everything went well for you!
Did that pumpkin latte aid in riding your body of that foggy feeling? :)
I like that the girls aren't "required" to bring a always pained me that friends (or I) couldn't attend the dance having not been asked by anyone.
I'm glad for the change. :)
So relieved for you that this is over, the worrying is always far worse than the actual event - glad you slept right thru it!
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