This morning finds my daughter and I at Panera's. She's sitting in a lounge chair eating a bagel and reading "I Know Why The Caged Bird Sings" while I'm sitting at a table drinking coffee (with a lid on), my computer in front of me. I'll be dropping her off at a friends's house while I do a little shopping. There's a Kohl's in this shopping center, along with Target and other stores, and I'll just take my time and wander.
We went to the mall last night. Emily wanted a new pair of skinny jeans from American Eagle. I did something I rarely do...actually try on clothes in different stores. I have one pair of jeans. One. Well, I have a pair of dress-up ones that I sometimes wear to work with good shoes. I'm talking about weekend jeans. Mine are old and not very flattering. We were passing The Gap and I said I said, let's to go in. I eyed a pair of great jeans, but the price was $60. I never even think of trying on something too expensive to buy, but I was just in the mood. The jeans were perfect in every way and I thought to myself, I spend so much money on Emily, why shouldn't I buy these jeans? Jeans last forever, and they're a clothing staple. So, I asked an associate if she could hold them for me while I continued shopping. I figured if I was willing to pay that price, that I might as well look at expensive jeans at other stores before making a decision. Well, American Eagle was out of skinny jeans. We went to Border's so Em could look at the newest Post Secret book, and when we finally walked out of there, the mall was closed. Along with The Gap and the greatest jeans. So, was it fate or just bad timing?
Well, it's time to drop Emily off. I hope I have some luck shopping today. I need new clothes. New clothes would be a good thing.
Happy Sunday
Sunrise from earlier this week
Sunset last night
A hymn we sang in church this morning.
🎶 Redeemed 🎶
Fanny Crosby
1. Redeemed, how I l...
9 hours ago
Before I retired I was something of a clothes horse. I couldn't stop trying on clothes and buying much more than I should have. Now all I want is jeans. When you buy fairly expensive jeans not only do they look better they become a part of your long-term wardrobe. Makes them worth it in my book. Go for it, girl! Go back and get those jeans. You'll be surprised how good they make you feel.
Can you go back to the Gap? Maybe I'm weird, but I would...for a perfect pair jeans! :)
Does the Gap outlet in Arundel Mills have the same jeans? If not, go back and buy those jeans!
Go back! There is nothing like a great looking/fitting pair of jeans to boost your confidence. You'll look good and feel good. Come on, spoil yourself! You are worth it!
I hate trying on clothes. It's such a hassle. Especially in the summertime when the stores can't keep their dressing areas cool. LOL
Hey Cheryl... Go back there and get those jeans. Nothing is better than buying something that is just right for you.
One other thing... I just looked back at the previous photo of you and your daughter... It is very obvious that you two are very close... She is very lucky to have you as a mother as you are to have her as a daughter.
I buy my jeans at Ross. I always find name brands for really good prices. I don't think I could make myself spend $60 for a pair, but I seem to be in the minority here with that. :-) I just bought 2 pair of jeans a few weeks ago and only spent $30.
I'm with the others in that you should go back to buy those jeans. I've had a pair for years and they fit like a glove. They are so comfortable.
Missing you tonight. I hope this finds things well up your way. Panera sounds like such a cool place to hang out. I could deal with a coffee about now. Take care gentle friend and I will talk to you again soon.
Okay, now I can see everyone wants you to buy the jeans. I say shop around first. If you can't decide, go with your first instinct. Head back to the Gap and grab those jeans. :)
Go back to the Gap. I think the vote is unanimous. YEAH TO NEW JEANS! have a great week. I'll be back. Stacy
LOL @ "with the lid on."
Hey caught that lid thing! more coffee in the laptop.
I'm scared to ask, but what's a skinny jean?
WHen I read the post and I'm reading early without lots of sips as of yet and, I first thought I read: This morning finds my daughter and I at Panera's. She's sitting in a bird Cage."
I thought, WHAT? Is that a new thing at Panara? I really do need to get out more.. :)
Happy days for you guys!!
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