I really didn't get the tree. I thought about it a lot. How I've always wanted one, but not necessarily a white one. How I'd never find it for that price again. Last night when Kit asked me if I wanted to go to the mall or to Caribou Coffee, I chose the coffee shop. I just didn't feel like walking the mall. Does anyone else live by a Caribou Coffee? It's decorated like a ski lodge. Flagstone walls and timbered ceilings. A fireplace. Tables and leather upholstered chairs. It's very cozy. Usually I'm there in the AM, and it was nice to see the evening mix of people. So, we just hung out till we were tired. I called my mother from there to see if she wanted to go to a movie with me today, and she was excited. I slept till just after 8 AM--very late for me--and called her up. She said she was ready. A little too early. Originally I thought we'd go to a movie in Annapolis and then go to the mall for you know what, but the weather was terrible and the thought of having to get the electric scooter for my mom seemed like too much of a hassle. I decided to just go to the local movie. I headed out her way and we went to the 11:00 showing of The Great Debaters. We both loved it. Then we went to Paneras for a lunch of soup and bread. Yum. I hung out at my folks house for a while, then called Kit on my way home. She was at the grocery store by Caribou, so we met there. Again. We sat in the leather chairs and hung out and talked. I just love coffee shops. Finally I came home, back to reality, and Emily, who was home from her NYC trip. And here we are.
I borrowed a bunch of movies from my dad, and think I'll just be hanging out here on the couch tonight.
Happy Sunday
Sunrise from earlier this week
Sunset last night
A hymn we sang in church this morning.
🎶 Redeemed 🎶
Fanny Crosby
1. Redeemed, how I l...
10 hours ago
Sounds like you had a nice, relaxing time, Cheryl! Are you off tomorow? I have to work, unfortunately, and I'm dreading it! We are off on Tuesday and then back on Wednesday, which kind of screws up the whole week. Sigh. '
I love sitting in Panera and surfing on the laptop and people watching. :) Sounds like you can do that at Caribou Coffee too! :)
Sounds like a lovely relaxing day. Enjoy your movies!!
I know that perfect tree will come your way.... :)
There are a bunch of Caribou Coffee places in in Omaha. They were much nicer than Starbucks.
Not familiar with Caribu Coffee but it sounds like my kind of place. Your day is the kind of day that always leaves me feeling peaceful - I hope it does the same for you.
sounds like a really good day.
but i am kinda bummed for you that you didn't get your tree. maybe next year eh?
hope you have a good night with the girl. they are rare.. like the sweet moments eh?
Happy New Years!
I love the feel inside Caribou, but my true love is sbux...
The great debaters..I wanted to see that..saw Book of Secrets..can you believe it? We bigdog and I had a date night!
I've never been to Caribou...I'll have to check it out.
Yes, that Caribou Coffee place sounds nice. I googled it and evidently we have one here, so I will have to check it out. Sounds like it was a good day:) Happy New Year!
I saw The Great Debaters yesterday (Saturday afternoon) with my friend Ace.
We both loved it and the theater broke out in applause at the end.
Glad you had a good day. Those are the best.
I thought for sure you'd get that tree. There is always today. Right?
We have a Carribou in the mall here, it's a kiosk, it's been there for a little more than a year. This year, Starbucks came along with it's kiosk, bigger and better in the center court. The battle continues.
Happy New Year!
Good Morning Cheryl,
Carribou Coffee sounds much better than Starbucks any day. I would actually go to one. I am not a big Starbucks fan.
My day was spent at the gym,, riding my bike, lunch with the kids on the beach, (packed), then picking up my daughter at the airport. Late of course. She's happy to be home for sure.
Today will be spent at the gym, riding my bike, the beach and reading. I might even take down the decorations. I'll miss the tree and the lights on the front porch. The dogs will miss the tree and hiding under it curled up on the tree skirt.
Have an awesome day.
What are your New Years Eve plans?
hi Cheryl, i like coffe house atmospheres also--cozy and intimate. i saw "P.S. I Love You" at the movies yesterday--a good movie, but a real tearjerker. i could identify. i cried the thru the whole movie--very therapeutic. i'll probably see The Great Debators this coming week. Friday i saw "Alvin & the Chipmunks" (we had 2 children with us) and "Perfect Holiday." i liked them both.
Sounds like you a very nice day dispite the dismal weather. :-)
I can't even remember the last time I went to the movies!!
I totally love coffee places also! Nothing like a good brew and great conversation to go with it. I have a feeling we would be hanging out quite a bit ourselves if we lived closer to one another.
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