The wind is ferocious outside! They're calling for gusts of 50-60 mph. I'm watching from my upstairs window as my neighbor's leaves are blowing into my garden. Why can't the wind blow the other way? Right now he still has leaves on the bottom third of his tree. I'm sure they'll be hanging out at my place by the time I get home this afternoon. He won't need to buy a rake after all. I don't really care...I'm just complaining for the sake of it. I don't mind raking.
I'm up and ready to head to Annapolis. I found a business that converts 8mm film to DVD. My siblings and I are having this done as a gift to my parents. They're going to be thrilled. They haven't seen their movies in many years, and have mentioned having them converted a few times. It's very expensive to have it done, but this way we'll all have copies that we'll have forever.
Change in plans. I just got off the phone with the digital media service and we need to change the appointment to Thursday. So...I think I'm just going to head out to the mall. I need to find an outfit for my holiday party
Happy Sunday
Sunrise from earlier this week
Sunset last night
A hymn we sang in church this morning.
🎶 Redeemed 🎶
Fanny Crosby
1. Redeemed, how I l...
9 hours ago
The wind is blowing pretty hard here too. And it's turned colder. The heat kept coming on all night long AND I had to turn on my electric blanket.
Last evening I sat outside and watched the grandsons kick the soccer ball. Energy to spare! It was a balmy 67 degrees. During the night we had light rain and now it's cold but lots of sunshine. Good luck at the mall. Tell all when you get back.
We put our old 8mm movies on VHS tapes ourselves years ago. We just set up the projector and watched the movies on the screen and recorded them with the video camera. Now we are just recording the VHS tapes onto DVD's.
Have a fun day at the mall. :-)
I thought of you last night when I saw the newscast talking about what was headed out got there fast!!
That's a fabulous idea with the film..I did that last year with for my parents christmas present but not with 8mm...I just scanned pics and put them up in a snapfish dvd to was a lot of fun making...
Hope the mall was fun! You go at a good time when people are back at work..that's a good thing having your weekends!
A friend of mine in Maryland is dealing with the high wind too, she just lost power. Stay safe!
That's a wonderful gift for your parents. Too neat.
That is a very thoughful gift. We had hundreds of old 8mm films when I was growing up. I wonder where they are now. I would love seeing them.
Are y'all getting any snow, Cheryl? I keep watching the radar around the D.C. area to see. I am such a big kid! hehe
Hi Cheryl,
I am back to the real world again. The weekend at Disney was fantastic. My son's girlfriend can't pick a favorite park. We had glorious weather, Disney out did themselves on decorations this year. Just spectacular.
Christmas music and Carolers all over the parks. Lovely. You should take your daughter sometime in December and just enjoy the adventure. (doesn't have to be this year though)
Have an awesome night.
The winds are due here tonight, too.
You are such a high energy person. I admire that, and I wish I had some of it!
I had my folks' 8mm put onto DVDs last year and then had copies made for my brothers/sisters. Everyone LOVED was the highlight of the family party. I also had short titles (2-3 words + year) inserted between each film. Our films were from the 50s,60s & 70s (with no audio) so we needed the extra prompting! The films had started to deteriorate so we caught them just in time.
We've had horrendous weather in the midwest, too. The winds last night were shaking the house!
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