Surprise! A mid-day post. Why? Because of a cancellation. My first client of the day forgot her color/cut appointment. Then my 2:00 cancelled, as did my 6:00. So, not the busy day I anticipated. And when I don't work, I don't get paid. But I can sneak in some computer time.
I ran a whole bunch of errands before work. The first was to the library to drop some books down the chute. There, against the far wall, a homeless person slept, almost covered in a blanket, surrounded by his bags. It was freezing. Now I'll backtrack. There's a homeless man who's been around for years that walks the road I travel for work. I was thinking of him recently because I hadn't seen him in a very long time. Then, around a week ago, I saw him with a shopping cart near the library. I was relieved. Then this morning, there he was, asleep. I got into my car, but felt so bad for him. I gathered the money I had in my purse, walked near him, and after saying, 'excuse me' a couple of times, he lifted his head from under the blanket and looked at me. I think I stammered something about wanting to give him some money for food or something, handed it to him, and walked away. It just felt like the right thing to do. I know there's all kinds of thoughts on helping people that are homeless. I've learned a lot from Andrew's blog, and Fiwa's written about it. I don't give money to people that beg at the intersections, but this was someone who I've become familiar with. I still can't stop thinking about him laying there. I'd often wondered where this man slept. Now I know of at least one place. I hope that what I did made his day a little better.
OK...2:30 and time to get back to work. Later!
From the Past
We got the snow overnight so I ended up not taking a morning walk
but did get my steps in the house.
Home all day doing a bit of work around the house and t...
12 hours ago
Sometimes I give a dollar or two to a homeless person. It really all just depends on the situation.
Cheryl... You are a special person! :-)
that was a really sweet thing to do.
Cheryl, your post made me cry. You are such a sweet person. I hope you enjoy the rest of your day.
God really knows how to direct our paths (the homeless man) and our day. just think, you weren't planning on working today anyway, but since you did, even though you had cancellations, you still made some extra $$$ from the appointments that were kept, plus you got in a little blogging time.
Cheryl, i meant to mention this in my comments above, but i forgot. i'm just catching up on my reading today, and i left comments about the word verification under that particular post, but just in case you don't go back and read, the reason many of us use "word verification" is because of the spammers. i've been blogging over 2 yrs now, and the spamming used to be really bad. however, i'm thinking perhaps with this new blogger version, things may be a little different.
i think, based on other's comments about disabling it, i'll do the same and see how that works out.
Thank you for being so kind. When I was homeless, I would have dreams of people bringing me big bags of cheeseburgers and cases of beer! lol Don't suggest giving the beer though. You know what they say about enabling! Hope your day went smoothly and I can't wait till you are home and online with us!
You really are such a special person. I am glad you weren't afraid to do that. So many of us forget about those less fortunate. It's going to come back to you. Just like the title of my blog - WHEEL. Oh! Can you feel the Christmas spirit?
Cheryl you earned a star in your crown today. I never see a down trodden or homeless person that I don't say a silent prayer for and acknowledge all my blessings. My heart aches as I'm sure yours does. Think about how your schedule was changed and the opportunity you had to help someone. Angels unaware.
Life is good some days. And when it's not, you make it good, like you did yesterday.
i hope he stays warm during the winter.
cheryl, you really are a good person with a heart of gold.
I would have done the same thing. Thank you, I think too many don't care enough. I get tired of all the excuses that others have --- all the reasons that that person doesn't HAVE to be homeless. Bull..I say. Help them out. It's what we are supposed to do. You are awesome. :)
That was such a nice thing to do. You made his day a little bit better. :-)
Merry Christmas to a lady with a big heart. You've touched mine. Thank you.
You are sooo kind,and Emily is soooo lucky to have a mom like have an amazing heart..and you did a great thing!
Well done you sweets - we all have to look out for our brothers and sisters - Merry Christmas Dear !
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