The snow is gently falling as I write this. We're expecting an whopping 1-3". You should have seen how excited Emily's been since it was announced last night. No, it's not about the wonder of snow, it's about an early dismissal from school.Knowing how it is around here when it snows, it will probably happen. The stores will be crammed with people getting their whites. The drivers will be going 15 mph. One thing for sure, when it snows, I stay busy at work. People cancel, and others call hoping for an opening. My boss is very liberal and leaves the decision to us as to whether we want to stay or go home. She needs her time to work the crazy phone lines. Today's snow will just mean a little longer commute for me. That's OK. I'm listening to a good audio book.
From the Past
We got the snow overnight so I ended up not taking a morning walk
but did get my steps in the house.
Home all day doing a bit of work around the house and t...
55 minutes ago
Snow offers a whole new world for young people. Old people, too just a different view. Good luck with your crazy work day.
People around here have two reactions to snow. Either they panic and are so afraid of it they won't leave their house, or they figure their 4-wheel drive makes them superman and drive faster in the snow than they do on dry roads. It's chaos every time it snows here!
It's still snowing - your right, the schools will probably close early. I'm surprised they even went. Last year they closed once because of the threat of snow!!
I would like to have just one good snow a year and thats it. I would prefer to get a foot of the stuff instead of an inch or two which just makes everything messy.
Hope your work day goes well.
I didn't post yesterday either. This snow is pretty, but it's being hazardous this morning. Be careful out there.
Be careful! Does Emily drive to school?
If you think it's bad up there, you should see what happens when it snows this far south. Pandemonium! I never have understood why everyone buys loaf bread and milk. There perishable. You should be buying canned foods. Oh well, just my two cents. I am begging you for pictures of the snow, Cheryl. It is about as close as I will ever get to it.
SNOWSNOWSNOW!! 5+inches over here!!
I love what you did with your chandalier! Where'd you find the bulbs and how'd you do it?
I love audio books - they're the only thing that keeps me from going insane during the commute. What are you listening to right now? I just finished an Agatha Raisin mystery called "the case of the curious curate" by M.C. Beaton. I love listening to the britsh accent of the woman who reads them - she sounds like Judy Dench. And they're light and easy to follow. I'm not a big mystery fan, but I really enjoyed this one.
What do you mean getting their 'White'? What is that? Yeah, I just listened to Dean Koontz' "Darkest Evening of the Year" and "Out of the Corner of His Eye". I love to listen to books on CD on my way to work, a one hour commute each day.
I adore the Christmas-y accents on the fixture:) Ah, I remember getting out of school for an inch of snow... I'm pretty sure all my excitement for summer and snow came from my school days. I hope you had a good (short?) day at work!
LOL Cheryl, it's the same way here. The whole world closes down. People are out in masses to buy heaters and air compressors and boots. Watch out the white flakes mean the world is ending!!! LOL
Have a great day and I love that light fixture!
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