I'm still thinking about that dream... Isn't it strange how you can remember a dream when you wake up, and then just forget it? Something about this one keeps lingering.
I decided to leave comments on a few of the blogs that I read regularly that I don't regularly comment on. How's that for a repetitive sentence? I was a reader of blogs long before I ever wrote my first comment. I always felt that other people's comments already said what I wanted to say, and that the blog writer was so good that whatever I wrote would come out sounding kind of dumb. I don't know if I'm expressing myself exactly right, but I was afraid to comment. Quite a while ago I read this entry from my friend Andrew's blog: The 4th Avenue Blues: Writing into a Black Hole… I felt like he was encouraging me to take the leap and comment. I got up the nerve and have been commenting on his blog ever since. After the first time, it was easy. I greatly appreciate those of you who comment on my humble blog. Tonight I decided to stop by a few of my favorites and say hello to them.
Tomorrow is the day I get my teeth whitened. I've been using my special toothpaste twice a day for a week now. It's supposed to make my teeth less sensitive to the whitening process. I'm a little nervous, because I had my teeth whitened once before and experienced what they call 'zingers'. How's that for a medical term? Imagine the feel of aluminum foil touching a filling and you get the idea. It lasted for a day or two. It was very unpleasant and I hope to avoid that experience this time. Next time I write, my teeth should be bright!
Another morning for walking just like yesterday.
Started out dark, 30 degrees, clear and the came the sun toward the end.
Sunrise 7:34
Finished reading Th...
18 hours ago
I appreciate comments because it shows that people are interested in what goes on in my head... I apprecite yours as well... thank you! :-)
Yes, I agree with Dave! I had no idea you were reading my blog and knowing that you are makes me so happy!
I don't keep a visitor counter, I try not to worry about whether people are coming or not or how many, but I do care. I want to know I'm not wasting time talking to myself in a crowded room.
Thank you! I will come back and visit now that I know you are here.
-P pleasingly
Talk about making my day. Thank you so much for taking the time to comment on my blog. You absolutely put a smile on my face. I had no idea you'd been reading, so it was a lovely surprise. It's nice to "meet" you!
Good luck with the teeth whitening. I haven't done it myself, so I'll be checking in on your progress. I bet you'll look even lovelier when it's over! I'd love to see a pic of that bright smile.
Well, here's to another great day. Hope you have a good one at the dentist. I have to admit, zingers only sound good in snack cake form. Wouldn't you agree?
Hi Cheryl!
I feel honored that you have been reading my blog, and appreciate the comment. Comments are the only way we get to meet each other, so thank you for extending the hand of friendship.
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