While at Border's the other night, I gazed longingly at their collection of Moleskine notebooks. I told my sister that I feel an almost physical need to buy them. I restrained myself as I have an unused one at home. Let me explain. I love journals. This was the subject of my very first blog post. I collect them, but find them very hard to use. It's as if I don't have anything important enough to say to deface the first page. One day the Washington Post ran a story on the reemergence of Moleskine notebooks. They have been used for the past two centuries by everyone from Van Gogh to Picasso to the most international avant-garde. In 1986 the manufacturer closed it's shutters forever, but the business was bought by a Milanese publisher in 1998, who brought the books back. (I'm paraphrasing from the literature that came with the book.) This story delighted me, and when I found these notebooks in my bookstore last year I was hooked. I bought two for my friend Kit, who used them right away, and one for myself. It has been in my night table, untouched, for almost a year. Is there a reason for this story? (besides not wanting to talk about my basement?) Yes. I took out the Moleskine today. I wrote on the first page. I stuck Avery write on tabs on the pages with the different rooms in my house written on them. I'm writing down everything that I need to do to each room to get it in shape in case I sell my house. Then, I told Emily about the plans for the notebook. I told her it was her notebook too. This got her very excited. I told her she can write whatever she wants in it. It would be ours. Her first entry? 'Take It or Trash It'. Mine? 'This, but Mostly That'. The mother/daughter journal has begun. So, La de da.
I spent the day in the basement. It was not a pretty sight. Emily spent the day photographing many of the things we'd like to sell and then posting them on Craigslist. She got feedback right away on a few things and two people came to the house and bought an ice tea maker and an under-the-cabinet light. She is so happy. We could make a fortune selling all the stuff we have! If only...
Another morning for walking just like yesterday.
Started out dark, 30 degrees, clear and the came the sun toward the end.
Sunrise 7:34
Finished reading Th...
18 hours ago
Wow, I love the idea of a mom/daughter notebook!
Good for you!!! We share the same love of those blessed notebooks. I used to be a notebook fanatic. I would go to Borders every three months to look at them and purchase one. I have almost used all of them, not entirely of course. A few pages here or there. I am notorious for being a list maker. Funny, huh?
Moleskine notebooks... never heard of them before... I think I will have to check these out!
I have a ton of notebooks and am always buying more. As a procrasting Writer, they all have stories started, but not finished.
I'm a bad girl, if I should die to early, my wonderful characters will die with me and that's not fair. My mind is there universe. I need to give them the vehicle to explore other imaginations.
Well, now I know the history behind my fascination at the bookstores! I have seen journals and notebooks like this and they, too, beg me to buy them... but I know they would go unused. Maybe, now I'm inspired to buy and use one:)
I dont have these- but pretty ones made of handmade paper- cant seem to use any, or give them away.
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