I'm sitting here listening to the new CD by Norah Jones. She is a favorite of mine and I've been so pleased to read the rave reviews this CD's been getting. I'm also eating a bag of Dale and Thomas Peanut Butter White Chocolate Drizzlecorn popcorn. I have to--it expires this month! It's as delicious as it sounds and I won't ever buy it again. Emily's not home yet so I can really enjoy it. She'll read about it but it will be too late. I wonder how many calories can be packed into a 5 oz bag? I'm not going to check!
It was a good day at work. I had some breaks in my schedule, which was kind of nice for a change. I wouldn't want to have them often, trust me. I was able to sit down with one of my clients who was in for hair color, highlights and a haircut. We always have a million things to talk about and it was great to have the opportunity to hang out with her. Nice part of the job.
I got a great e-mail from a client whom I gave my blog address to. Thank you, Donna. It's wonderful to get affirmation about this thing I do. Thanks to all of you who stop by and comment, in case I don't say that often enough. It's great to come home and see a hello. One of the things that I love about blogging is the connections I've made with other people. It's made my life fuller. It seems to be that way for the people I have met here.
Well, I have to go read now. My next book club meeting is on the 11th and I am going to get the book read this time.
Another morning for walking just like yesterday.
Started out dark, 30 degrees, clear and the came the sun toward the end.
Sunrise 7:34
Finished reading Th...
13 hours ago
I've just come across your blog and thought I would say hello.
I picked up the Norah Jones CD too, I love it! She's got her own unique sound that just speaks to me.
I had to laugh at your Moleskin post. I have so many pretty jounals just sitting there looking lovely...and feeling empty! I love the idea of filling yours up along with your daughter, I may have to enlist mine in something like that!
That Dale and Thomas stuff sounds really yummy. I am very glad to read that you like your job. It is so rare. A real blessing. I like my work too. :)
Nora Jones... Such a mellow, calming voice. Definitely one of my favorites!
I have the new Norah Jones CD as well. I have yet to open it and put it in my CD player. I need to check it out today! I also need to get some of those notebooks to jot down writing ideas for the blog as I encounter people during the day. Maybe, I will order some online.
I keep meaning to join a book club, but I'm such a homebody! Nothing beats kicking back at home.
You know, my favorite hairstyles usually have braids in it. There really seems to be a lack of appreciation for braided hair these days. I've even met a few stylist that don't know how! You can do some beautiful "updos" with accent braids that look great! I had to teach a friend how to do it, so she could do it for me for my wedding.
I hope you have an appreciation for braids as a hair stylist, if not, I guess I'll just have to live with that. :)
the connection-making really is a nice aspect of this blogging stuff, isn't it. :)
I liked Come away , there's a smoky quality to her voice, but thne i keep listening for the Indian part to her voice.
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