My teeth have a headache. I was fine until I had popcorn for a snack. I guess there was too much chewing involved. I had the Zoom! whitening treatment done. It was kind of uncomfortable but not painful. A device was put in my mouth to keep my lips away from my teeth. Lots of gauze too. I was quite a sight. My gums were painted with a material that hardened to protect them from the whitener. Then a bleaching gel was painted on my teeth and cured with a special light for 20 minutes. The gel was wiped off, reapplied, and cured again, two more times. I brought my daughter's iPod; it was a lifesaver. I even like her taste in music. My teeth look to be at least a few shades whiter. It was worth the time and any discomfort I'm having. I have to eat 'white' food and stay away from coffee and tea for 24 hours. That won't be hard. I had a salad with chicken for lunch and I'll have chicken and rice and maybe a banana for dinner.
It snowed really hard here for about a half hour. That was pretty, but a tease. I'd like it to snow again, but not when I have to work the next day. I've spent a lazy afternoon reading and watching TV. Tonight's my TV night---Ugly Betty and Gray's Anatomy, my favorites. Yeah! Later!
Another morning for walking just like yesterday.
Started out dark, 30 degrees, clear and the came the sun toward the end.
Sunrise 7:34
Finished reading Th...
18 hours ago
Glad the whitening process went okay. I am currently addicted to ER from 10 AM to 12 AM on TNT. It is a morning ritual for me.
The flowers blooming here are so abnormal for this time of the year. It has been so warm, almost spring-like, but that is about to change. Thank you for your comments yesterday. They made my day. Hope you have a good day at work when you get up and going this morning.
Was Grey's good? I haven't watched it yet. I plan to download it this afternoon.
Sounds like a lot of effort Cheryl. Is this supposed to work better than those white-strips?
You know in some cultures "blackened teeth" are the "in" thing to do. Others use a rock and knife to create "pointy" teeth, which is considered sexy. It's all a matter of perspective and what society your born into. Hope your teeth feel better.
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