I went to Borders. I had $5 in Border's bucks that had to be redeemed by the 31st, and I spent it on a $5 coffee drink. I read a stamping magazine and Consumer Reports. Nice. There's a family, a mother and two grown kids, that are in Border's every Saturday when I'm there. At first one of them had a laptop, now they all do. They play computer games. Today I saw they all had drinks from Arby's. I can relate to wanting to hang out at Borders. I find it interesting that they just use the space and don't buy anything. I don't think I buy enough for the time I spend there. Last time I was in Panera's I noticed a few people with Starbucks cups, and saw one man come in and sit down with his newspaper, Starbucks cup and pastry. I don't blame them for wanting to hang out at Panera's...I do. It's interesting that they'd bring in food from someplace else. Just an observation.
Here's a few pictures of the bountiful food and gathering of friends and family for Christmas dinner at my neighbor Kelly's house. It was so great to just walk next door! Kelly is a wonderful cook, and is happiest when she's feeding a full house. My sister and mother have attended the last two years, but this was the first for my father. Kelly sent everyone home with leftovers. My parents were very happy.
I wish a magic genie would come to my house tonight while I'm sleeping and pack up all the Christmas stuff. Just saying.
I think I'm meeting Kit tonight; I'm waiting for a call. She suggested meeting at Annapolis Mall. You know what's in Annapolis Mall, right? That white feather tree, unless someone else bought it. I hope someone bought it. If we go there, I have to look. If I see it, I'll have to buy it. I just know.
And that's it for now. Ladeda.
Looks like you had plenty to eat there...or maybe i'm just hungry?
I hope you get some much deserved rest...and i hope that fairy comes for you to pack away your things. We did ours last night, now the place seems bare.
I'm surprised that Borders and Panera let people bring stuff from other places in. Especially Panera.
If I were Panera I would tell people with Starbucks cups "Hey, Starbucks charges for wireless internet and we don't, so don't be brining their over-priced crappy coffee over here" or something like that. ;-)
I saw Brussels sprouts on that table! Oh, how I love them! My family never fixes them.
I am kind of hoping you get the tree. You deserve it, Cheryl. I wish I could see you smile when you do get it! Thank you for your comment today. I promise my blogging is going to be more upbeat from now on! Thank you for being an online friend.
You and that tree. You made me laugh. It reminds me of this necklace I used to visit. I visited it for two years and then it was gone. Probably returned to the owner. It was an estate piece on consignment. I hope I never see it around someones neck.
LOL.. so did you buy it?? I expect pictures if you did.
Looks like a fun party and nice spread of food!
what exactly is a feather tree?
that would be nice for you to take a picture of the tree in the store so we all could see it, that is if you don't bring it home for us to see it there. (hint, hint)
i love reading your blog. it's always so interesting with your different thoughts and all.
Sounds like a very nice celebration, the pictures are beautiful.
Good luck with the feather tree, can't wait to see a picture of it.
I am heading downstairs to start packing up the tree decorations. If your magic genie shows up, please send him in my direction.
Sounds like a very nice celebration, the pictures are beautiful.
Good luck with the feather tree, can't wait to see a picture of it.
I am heading downstairs to start packing up the tree decorations. If your magic genie shows up, please send him in my direction.
how nice...looks like everyone had a good time. I know what you mean about making all the christmas stuff magically go away. At some point you're over it and packing it all up seems like SUCH a chore...
man, that is a nice spread. we had lotsa food too. for three of us--i always overdo it, then feel so terribly guilty a week later when i throw it all..well the leftovers--away. :((
anyhow-- yes the tree? did you find it? did you buy it? did your mother-- i mean daughter :)) - scold you for it? lol
i would like to see a pic of it too.. i have no idea what a feather tree is. i do assume that oldy, my sis would love one. she had like three or four trees this year, a regular giant one, a pink one..and get this---a BLACK one. i never in my life heard of black christmas tree. have you?
and yes, i was thinking of your genie--- have you seen my cleaning faries? i always wish for one -- well, make that all, of them to visit me -- but it has yet to happen. bummer.
anyhow-- hope you have a good day
btw.. i think you just planted a seed in my little brain to go to barnes and noble today. why i bother i will never know.. i can barely see, but i still buy books and try. one day i shall get my glasses. :))
the white feather tree called.
she wants you to pick her up.
happy new year, chica!
I think if the feather tree is there, it's an omen that you NEED to buy it!
Brussel sprouts...ummmmm...a great way to cook them...steam them a bit, then cut them in half, fry them with some bacon, add some slivered almonds and oh baby!!
You have such a lovely family!
The pictures are lovely. You all are so relaxed and happy. It bought back nice memories of the years we were adopted by our next door neighbor for the holidays.
I wanted to stop by and wish you and your daughter the very, very best in 2008. I hope it's a beautiful year for the two of you.
I have been known to take food from a local Lebanese restaurant to Panera with me. I'm at Panera a lot, and I'm just not always in the mood for soup. I at least buy a coffee, though, so they don't mind.
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