I had a really short day at work. 11:30-3:00. I took off to see Emily play field hockey for the first time. It was a gorgeous day, and my chair was in the shade. I've never seen this sport played; interesting. The girls are kind of bent over as they try to move the ball along. I thought Emily played well. They lost, 8-0. This was their third game and third loss. I hope they get better and have a winning game.
We had all of her teammates over last night for pizza and t-shirt decorating. They had a great time. I did a good job of staying out of their way.

See my LADEDA letters over the fireplace? I got them as a Christmas gift but couldn't figure out how to hang them. I thought I'd set them up on the mantle for a while.
We had about 30 minutes at home between the game and leaving for Back to School night. Whew! It was my first time seeing more than the auditorium and media center. The hallways were bright as were the classrooms. Much better than her old (50 years) middle school. I was impressed with all but her geometry teacher. He seemed to look at the ceiling as he addressed us. Emily says he's quite distracting.
And here I am. Tired. Hungry but too late to eat. Ready for a little reading. I took Jay's advice and put all the blogs I read into Google Reader. Now I have something else to be addicted to.
The only problem I'm having with Google Reader right now is sometimes it's takes two or three hours after somebody posts for it to show up in the reader. I don't know why. But, at least it does eventually show up, I guess.
I have that same problem, Jay. But...I'm addicted nonetheless.
I've been using Bloglines for a long time now. I'm happy with it, but you know..the grass is always greener on the other side...I can't help but wonder what I'm missing out on. It doesn't seem to take long at all to update though. Hmmm...
Isn't it hard to just stay out of the way when you have a bunch of kids over? I always pat myself on the back for doing a good job with it too! :)
This is exactly how I pictured the meeting! :) And you had Back To School night too! A guy staring at the ceiling while talking would confuse me too. I'd keep looking up along with him to see what's so interesting.
Of course wining would be great and exciting, but as long as they keep having fun, I think that is more important. Good luck to the girls!
As for the Geometry teacher, well, he's a geometry teacher, they aren't exactly well-known for their social skills. While not impossible, is a rarity. Hopefully she can figure the assignments out with or without his smooth operational skills. :>
Wow, that looks like a great party. You're a nice mom to do that for Emily. I hope she likes Field Hockey. I hated it, but I was not very athletic. And we had to play in the snow. At Long Reach Back to School Night the teachers never let you out when the bell rings!!! Thank you for the note on my post. I absolutely would love to go out for coffee and a blogfest. I have a lot to learn. Unless you are free tomorrow, I'll have to wait until my houseguest leaves on Tuesday. Looking forward to it!!! Bonnie (bonstimeout)
i've never seen a hockey game either. i'm sure the team will get some wins in this season. sometimes it just takes a little time to get started good.
my daughter and i were talking tonite about when her friends used to hang out at our home. she said she always wanted her home to be like that. i never knew she thought that. she hopes her daughter will want to bring her friends home too. she probably has a little while though since her daughter is 2 yrs old.
hmm..google reader, I'll have to check it out!!
You're a agood mom...that's a lot of girls in one home!!!
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