Happy Monday!
I'm off to hang with my mom. First stop...Annapolis Mall. We haven't been there for a while, and I have things to return and makeup to buy. We'll go out to lunch afterwards, then be back in time for Mom to watch her favorite soap, Passions. Very steamy. I'll come home and get to my new, non-paying part-time job. It involves being on the telephone for long stretches of time. It always ends in frustration. It's not really a job, it's a chore.
The sun is shining and it should get up to 60 degrees! I hope it's a great day in your part of the world!
Another morning for walking just like yesterday.
Started out dark, 30 degrees, clear and the came the sun toward the end.
Sunrise 7:34
Finished reading Th...
7 hours ago
Cheryl! Thank you for the card! You are such a sweet one. Hope you have a fantastic week!
Your morning sounds lovely. Not so your part-time job.
A TV station here has a segment that addresses consumer issues. On behalf of consumers, they contact company management. Most times management gives lame excuses and does what they should have done with one phone call from the consumer. Media exposure is as effective and legal - and it's free. Just something to think about.
Cheryl, I'm so sorry you have to deal with that computer issue yet AGAIN. UGH! Enjoy your weather today! We got up to 70 yesterday and tonight will have 4-6 inches of snow. I'm sending you an email...
I hope you are having a good Monday morning with your mom, and your afternoon chores bring you closer to the end of your computer woes:)
Well your morning sounds nice! The afternoon, not so much.
Enjoy the warm weather!
Have a great time Cheryl!
I too am enjoying this nice sunny day. It's on the windy side and I'm listening to the wind chimes. :-)
60 degrees? it's still freakin freezing here up north of you.
We had 60°+ weather here in snow-ravaged Illinois yesterday! It was a taste of spring and we needed it so much...of course it was only a taste... it's supposed to be in the teens tonight again! UGH!
Girl, don't you ever just sit with your feet up?? Seems you're always so busy!! But something tells me you love it! :)
I hope you had a most wonderful day. :)
the morning does sound beautiful! The afternoon early evening..BLAH!
But, you can make the calls in peace, right? So that's good! If I'd have known sooner, I'd have sent you a bag of the crunchiest chips, then you can talk with chips in your mouth..the noise will do wonders for the othersides head set. :)
Happy almost tuesday!
I miss you too!
Grrr at the phone calls. Take care of you and I hope you had a good day over all.
60 and sun? Will you some my way?
we expect 60 today too-- snow last night--60 today.. wth???
have a great day-
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