I ate too much cheesecake. Last weekend. This week. Today. There's two more pieces in my refrigerator, and then there'll be no more for a long time. End of cheesecake story. Except for one thing. My sister made it to bring to Easter dinner and said it was fabulous and one of the best things she's ever eaten. Ever? That's awesome.

We had a relaxing time at my brother's house. There were nine of us. Very casual. Great food. It's always nice to be together and I'm glad most of my family is local. Ilene, I wish you were local too!
Well,I think it's time to relax and get back to my book. I hope everyone had a great weekend.
WOW about sums up this place. I can't believe I have to come home tomorrow. But I will definitely come back with my family.
We had a pretty big Easter Dinner too. Pot roast with potatoes and carrots and a couple of rolls. And a glass of wine too. I'm stuffed! ;-)
that;s a home made cheesecake???
my hommeade cheesecake comes from a box!!!
i'm soo jealous!
i didn't even make dessert .. whaaaa
glad you had a good day!
Happy Easter, casual day here also. The best kinda holiday to have!
Happy Easter. Looks like an awesome cheesecake.
Thinking about you. I hope you had a nice Easter.
That cheesecake looks absolutely fantastic!!
I agree, casual holidays are the best!
Cheryl, That is a work of Art.
Well. Done. You.
That is a beautiful cheesecake - it really looks professional!
I'm glad you had a good day with your family.
The cake looks delicious.
Glad to hear you had such a nice day.
Hope you have another great day. :-)
I think I'm going to be stuffed for the next year, or so. Easter was very relaxing. Glad you had a good time!
Holy heck. That looks like an amazing piece of cake.
Glad you had a good celebration with the family.
I mean this in a good way...the photo of your cake is making me drool.
Now that's a yummy cheesecake. I've never been able to make a cheescake that wasn't a disaster. Glad you had a happy weekend.
of all things to eat too much of, cheesecake sounds like a good one! it sounds like you guys had a happy easter, i'm glad. i hope monday was a good one too:)
Nothing is better than spending time with family... Well almost nothing is better. Nothing is better than a good book, a warm fireplace and a comfy couch! Stay safe Cheryl! :-)
must be nice... I can barely even take but a few bites of cheesecake! Too lactose intolerant!
Looks good! I can't wait to try the recipe. Our Easter hostess made raspberry/chocolate cheesecake and lemon curd cheesecake. Oh my goodness those were good! I have leftovers in my fridge.
I'm glad you had a nice relaxing time! Enjoy your book!
I love it when you got a lot of comments! Look at you! Mrs. Blog! That cheesecake looks heavenly. I just for a ride with Mom driving and I lost a few of my nine lives! HAH! Mom scares me driving.
Hope you've had a good day. I am thinking of you. Take care and write for us, your fans, soon!
That cheesecake does look awesome! I'm glad it's in your fridge instead of mine tho...I'm dieting. And that would be very hard to resist!
THank you again!! You are so sweet!!
It sounds like it was a nice time with your family for sure!
Sans the frozen miceSICkles.. :)
Are you planning on hosting Passover or are you going somewhere?
happy humpday already!!
the cheesecake looks so delicious, even though i don't like cheesecake. yes, i did say i don't like cheesecake. LOL!
i'm glad you enjoyed your Easter weekend with your family. one can never beat a good time with friends, family, and food. lol!
DARN it! Why didn't I read this sooner and take advantage of the fact that I know where you live!
mmmmm . . . maybe I'll dream about cheesecake, maybe there's C.F. in my future . . . mmmmmmm
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