There's a mighty wind blowing as I write this. And a tornado warning till 3 AM. I hate tornado warnings!. I've been known to hang out in my basement. And make others hang out in theirs. I guess I'll have to go to bed without my fan on tonight so I can hear the wind if it starts to roar.
Not much going on here. Watching TV. Relaxing. No muse, so I'm gonna close for now. Till later, OK?
From the Past
We got the snow overnight so I ended up not taking a morning walk
but did get my steps in the house.
Home all day doing a bit of work around the house and t...
11 hours ago
A weather warning is not a good bedfellow. They keep me awake. Hope your night proves to be calm.
I was never afraid of bad weather--until this past January when we had a tornado warning and I was driving with my daughter. My car got caught in a bizarre cross wind, and my tires lost contact with the road for a few scary and crazy seconds!
So glad to get a "goodnight" from you. Sleep tight and sleep well despite the warnings. I slept through last night's bad weather here and can't believe I did that! I didn't even wake up for all the sirens and warnings. Sleep tight good friend and thank you for your blog.
It's getting close to tornado season around here too. I leave my radio on all night so when the warning alarm from the weather service goes off it wakes me up. Of course I usually just go back to sleep, but still, at least I hear the warning. haha
I didn't know you got tonados that far north. That's my "learn something new everyday" for today. I understand the feeling. We have to doug firs on each side of the house that were planted when the house was built 90 years ago. They're big trees. Being on top of the hill they really take the wind. All the creaking and groaning during wind storms always send me to the bedroom in the basement for the night.
Take care Sis - and I just know you had a hand in the 'Little Richard' that showed up in my mailbox yesterday from Bon. Thank you.
Good night love -
I wouldn't have thought it was the time of year for tornados yet! I hope it's a peaceful night so that you can get some sleep.
I'm with Brad, we have a HUGE pine in our front yard, and I'm always afraid I'm going to wake up and find we have an atrium in our den.
Sleep well -
Scary stuff. I hope all stays peaceful there!
Sleep long and restful.
I once read an editorial piece about folks being torn from their beds in the middle of the night by a tornado. The point of the story was that so many were running around with little or no clothing - and ever since then, I will not sleep on a stormy night without the sweat pants and shirt! Talk about adding insult to injury - wouldn't that be just awful? Complete devastation all around, and there you are, naked as a jaybird! OMG...
I hope you are okay, and that no storms of any importance hit in the night.
Have a good Wednesday!
Stay safe Cheryl. That sounds way too scary for me. I get tied up in knots if we have a little thunderstorm and no amount of telling me that it's just the angels moving the furniture calms my nerves.
I hate bad weather, too. When I was little the lightening used to come down our fireplace and shoot across the living room. The house was in the middle of a field. Then my parents got lightening rods to ground the house and things were fine.
Tornado warnings scare me as well. We don't have a basement here so it is hard to feel safe when there is one.
I hope things settle down and you have a nice relaxing night
thank God we made it thru safely.
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