I don't know how to spell the word I want to use to describe what I really want to say. I don't know why spell check can't figure it out. It can't be that off the mark.
It's another beautiful day here. Bright sunshine and mild temperatures. I started The Pioneer Woman's pot roast early and it's chilling in the fridge. I had plans to mop the floor, vacuum, and scour the kitchen. I couldn't do that because I've had a phone in my hand for the past 219 minutes. Yes, you read that right. With my old nemesis Dell. The problem's still not fixed. Another part has been ordered. Another supervisor has promised that he'll follow my case. I won't write about it again till next week.
I'm going to do a quick clean up and take a walk. I need a mood adjustment.
From the Past
We got the snow overnight so I ended up not taking a morning walk
but did get my steps in the house.
Home all day doing a bit of work around the house and t...
10 hours ago
You want a mood adjustment? I shall give you one tomorrow in my post! :-)
But ya know this could make a pretty funny post in one of those time-line formats. Are you on a first name basis with all the supervisor yet? Fingers Crossed!
I am sorry it has not turned out to be a better day. Could you have taken your computer into a place for it to be fixed? Or does a techie have to come out and work on it? Just wondering.
Oh my gosh. Are you serious? How have you not flown off the handle yet? Grr at them!!
I hope your pot roast turns out lovely. Have a great day!!
Oh girl - I have something I'm going to post to my blog for you in a few minutes. It's pretty funny - come on by and see it.
They owe you a free computer or something!! OMG!!
Good grief...that's INSANE!!!
You poor, POOR thing! This has been an unbelievable problem. Are you getting anywhere with it at all?
And I want to know what the word was...
Hope today is way better for you.
You are WAY more of a lady than me Cheryl. Heads would be rolling by now if I were in your shoes. This thing has reached ridiculous proportions.
I can't believe that this is still going on!!!! They should just give you a whole new computer for free for all the crap that you have had to put up with!!!
I hope going for a walk helped make you feel better at least for a little while.
BTW - I am free next Thursday.
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