Hey Mo, this one's for you.
It's not as easy as you might think. Remember, one word answers:
1. Where is your mobile phone? near
2. Your significant other? friend's
3. Your hair? curly
4. Your mother? dear
5. Your father? compulsive
6. Your favorite thing? sunshine
7. Your dream last night? unknown
8. Your favorite drink? latte
9. Your dream/goal? happiness
10. The room you're in? family
11. Your ex? memory
12. Your fear? cancer
13. Where do you want to be in 6 years? here
14. Where were you last night? DC
15. What you're not? fit
16. Muffins? cranberry
17. One of your wish list items? SLR
18. Where you grew up? suburbia
19. The last thing you did? this
20. What are you wearing? pajamas
21. Your TV? on
22. Your pets? none
23. Your computer? companion
24. Your life? content
25. Your mood? apprehensive
26. Missing someone? no
27. Your car? Honda
28. Something you're not wearing? makeup
29. Favorite Store? Homegoods
30. Your summer? beach
31. Like someone? no :(
32. Your favorite color? limegreen
33. When is the last time you laughed? yesterday
34. Last time you cried? Christmas
35. Who will/would re-post this? Dunno
Now that you have had a peek into my world, let me know if you play along. I'd love to see your answers too.
Another morning for walking just like yesterday.
Started out dark, 30 degrees, clear and the came the sun toward the end.
Sunrise 7:34
Finished reading Th...
7 hours ago
I read Mo's yesterday - these are fun.
I hope you enjoy your day -
what a clever idea. you are right, its not as easy as it may seem Cheryl.
this was good--
you know me tho-- i yack too much for one word answers :))
happy sunday-
I loved reading this...and yes, you are right, it would be harder than it seems.
Just one word wouldn't even work for favorite drink even, how do you say club soda in one word? And if i just say soda, then it changes the meaning...oh, woe is me, guess I just can't do this one. LOL
Hope your day has been a really good one!
How cool. I'm taking a break from the assigned blog days of the week (Like Green Thumb Sunday, etc) and just free-wheeling it for the next couple of weeks, so if I get time tomorrow I may play your game!
Interesting with the one word aspect. I'd have to be careful choosing which word.... especially with parents and ex. Sheesh, that could get ugly.
All done, this was fun.
I am going to try it...yours was fun...now on to my answers...
HAHAH! I havta say what Soul said cracked me up, because I know I ramble too...so this would be a challenge for me..but I will try and it will be my Monday post..and then I'll get to Jaime's created Meme. :)
great meme:) it is tricky to use just one word, but you gave good clear answers.
Cheryl Cheryl Cheryl you actually did a MEME?????? You rulez baby. I've had my eye on this one. When the first thing you say is "it's hard" then I get shy about doing it, but I think I'll brave it.
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