It's one of those off and running days. Emily came into my room this morning and asked if I could just listen to her before saying no. She couldn't fall asleep last night, and could she sleep in for a half hour? I said OK, and decided to get ready for work so I could drop her off and head out to the coffee shop. I'm so behind on keeping up with reading blogs and posting them. I tried last night, but could only get an internet signal if I held my laptop at a specific angle. It's just too frustrating! So here I am, but I'm drinking decaf instead of the strong stuff I love because it's a work day. I just can't take a chance on the caffeine.
I went for the fan last night even though it's so loud. I just can't sleep without all the white noise. I woke at 1:00 and turned on the news to check for a weather update. It just showed strong thunderstorms, so I easily fell back to sleep. Brad said he was surprised to hear we have tornadoes in this part of the country. It is unusual and doesn't happen often. The city of La Plata was wiped out a few years ago, and College Park was hit pretty bad too. I had a close encounter years ago. Emily was a baby and her dad and I had met my father for dinner at a neighborhood restaurant. While at the restaurant, a terrible storm hit. None of the diners were leaving because it was so wicked outside. Finally we decided to just go for it. My father got into his car and we got in ours, with me sitting in the back next to Emily. We had the radio on, and they announced tornadoes in our area. I was freaking scared. The announcer said if you were on the road and by a gully to leave your car and get into it. I told my ex we had to turn around and go to my parent's house. You could barely see a foot in front of the windshield. I was cowering in the back, my face burrowed into Emily's car seat, my ex not too happy with me. We got to the house and I took Emily into the bathtub with me while the men calmly watched the news on the TV. We left when the warning was over to find the road we had traveled was now strewn with humongous trees. Ever since then? Terrified of tornadoes. I'm so glad I live in a house with a basement. The storms of the night have cleared out and the sun is shining. It should reach 60 degrees again today. What a nice reprieve, especially with hearing how many of you still have snow. Our cold will come back, and there's every chance we'll see snow again, so I'm appreciating days like today.
Happy Wednesday!
From the Past
We got the snow overnight so I ended up not taking a morning walk
but did get my steps in the house.
Home all day doing a bit of work around the house and t...
12 hours ago
I'm very glad to hear that you and Emily are safe and sound and that the tornado didn't materialise. What a relief!!!
I didn't even know that there was a tornado warning here so I wasn't worried at all. :-)
I choose to believe that we will have no more cold weather or snow.
I hope you have a happy Wednesday too.
Glad a stormy night ended with no damage and a sunny morning. Enjoy!
I'm glad it blew over and you have sun today!
I agree with you about better safe than sorry, I would have been squeezed into the bathtub with you.
I'm so ready for spring...60° is wonderful!! We're expecting snow today again too. Ho hum.
I need white noise to sleep too. In the winter we run a little room humidifier. And a fan in the summer along with the room AC when needed.
I'm glad the tornados didn't hit your area last night. We seldom get them down here. And if we do it's usually a water spout. Fun to look at.
I, like you am petrified of tornados. We lived in Alabama, Tennessee and Texas while my Wusband was in the Army. Scary. Every time weather moved in so did the warnings. I was usually at home with little babies.
We are looking at a tough Hurricane season for sure. At least we know they are inbound for a few days in advance.
Have an awesome day.
There is a cable/antenna that runs the perimeter of your laptop. Could you possibly remove the cover for your wireless card and see if it is connected? We can't have you not being online especially one of my favorite blogs. I hope Dell gets that solved for you soon. They owe you a new laptop after all this. Hope you are well and had a good day. When I have bad days, I think of you and your always cheerful demeanor and it perks me up some. Thank you for being a friend.
That is one scary story. It made me laugh though, cuz Josh gets mad when I freak out about storms. What's up with that?
tornados? The weather was crisp and clear today (when I could see it). I look forward to a little chat tomorrow. I'm tired.
What a scary thing to have happen! I can imagine your fright with Em being so small. Wow. Here we fear earthquakes and floods. Take care!
Aren't the days after bad storms usually just lovely? It seems the storms washed the air.
Happy that you are okay, too.
I had to smile. I remember those conversations that begin with "don't say no right away, ok? just listen..." LOL
Happy Thursday to you!
My son informed me that Loudoun County was the tornado capital of Virginia. Hard to believe!
I hope you have a good Thursday.
oh boy-- tornadoes-- what fun. not. we had lots in kansas , and have had a couple here too. we do not like them either. well.. that was stupid-- i don't suppose anyone other than storm chasers "like" them.
at least in kansas we had a basement-- most of the time. here, of course we don't, and spent a couple storms in the bathroom. fun stuff... again.. not really. :))
maybe it's too early to write.?
anyhow-- glad y'all are ok.
and btw-- my kid has been doin the-- i'm skippin my shower today--wake me up in half an hour thing too lately.
maybe it's this weird weather???
this is the kid who won't take the trash out without washing her hair and having full make-up on. hmmm.
anyhow-- hope you have a good day today---
One of the drawbacks to living in KY is Tornado Season. I never really had to deal with them when I lived in NJ, but now I get a good scare a few times a year.
hi Cheryl, i'm glad we live near each other because it's nice to share the weather with someone. LOL i had just left the LaPlata area the time it was destroyed by the tornado. and the other nite, i was doing some serious praying over here. i could hear the winds whipping away. i'll be going to california in a couple of months for about 6 months, and i have the earthquakes to contend with there. i guess we have to deal with weather issues anywhere we live.
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