Does anyone read "the latest from Blogger buzz"? I don't, but there's probably some good stuff in there. Just a thought.
I wonder why I woke up in a bad mood? I know it has to do with family stuff, but there's nothing new going on. Maybe the thought of school shopping? Just expectations in general? Disappointments? Combinations of all, probably. Instead of getting right out of bed this morning I turned on the Today show. Before I knew it, all thoughts of a walk were gone, like if I don't do it right away it's too late. Thankfully I changed my mind at 8:45, realizing it's a beautiful morning and there's no time limit. I didn't love the walk, but loved the music and being outside. I'm still feeling dumpy, though, but I'll snap out of it. I always do. If Emily continues to sleep and I stay out here on my porch, I might just go to the pool when it opens in an hour and swim. That will get me going since it's been in the 60's at night and the water will be cold.
Yesterday was another easy day at work. I did the hair of my childhood friend Stella, who's regular client. We only see each other at the salon. We talked about old times. I had completely forgotten that we used to work at the Sears Catalog store together when we were high school seniors. We also worked as waitresses at a restaurant called Rip's. We worked the breakfast shift. We met some Marines from Quantico that were staying at the adjoining motel for a shooting event and wound up dating them for a while. She and her guy were a real couple; Bob and I were just kind of thrown together because of them, but I really liked him. He and Stella still stay in touch. It was nice to take a trip down memory lane with her. Later in the afternoon I did color and cuts on my neighbor Kelly and her daughter. Again, social time. I love my job.
So, the plan for today is to take Emily shopping for running shoes and then American Eagle for jeans and tops. I was going to say there will be arguments, but there won't. I'm not going to argue, but I can't say I'm optimistic about our time together. My new mantra is 'thick skin Cheryl. I have to be at my salon at 6:00 tonight for a meeting. We have a new staff member, a Physician's Assistant, who will be doing injectable cosmetic procedures in the salon. Tonight is a meet and greet, and a demo and, by the way, I'm going to be a 'model'. I'll let you know about how that goes. If there's anytime between shopping and the meeting, I'm going to see Bonnie. Busy.
I stopped by Happyone's house after having dinner with a friend last night. Called her from her sidewalk to say, hi, I came by to see your sunflowers. They really are enormous, not only in height, but in the size of the flowers. I've never seen anything like that. I also got to meet Kenny. He's as wonderful as I imagined. They are a very happy couple.
Sitting out here on the porch I've seen many butterflies, songbirds and hummingbirds. I just got a whiff of a fragrant flower. I wonder which one? Not a lot are in bloom right now...butterfly bushes, false sunflower, zinnias, daisies, tall phlox, vincas, wax begonias, impatience, tickweed, sedum, gerbera dasies and stella d'oro lilies. I guess that sounds like a lot. I cut down all my yarrow and columbine, so there's some huge gaps. I might buy some annuals to fill in. A gardening friend pointed out that there's still a lot of time till the first frost. With school starting, I tend to think that summer's over.
How did this post get so long, especially when it's about not much?
From the Past
We got the snow overnight so I ended up not taking a morning walk
but did get my steps in the house.
Home all day doing a bit of work around the house and t...
1 hour ago
I read Blogger Buzz sometimes. Just did the other night and ended up putting new stuff on my blog.
Not many people love their jobs like you do. You are lucky that you knew exactly what would make you happy. Good for you.
Hope you get your swim in today. I wish I could, but our pool is having issues.
take care!!
I don't normally read the blogger buzz, but that's how miss out on so much stuff.
Maybe your waking up in a bad mood is a kind of delayed reaction to being home from the non-stop fun of vacation. That happens to me sometimes. Kind of a sinking spell realizing that I have to get back into "life."
I read the blogger buzz once in a while.
Did you work at the Rips on 301?
It was nice having you stop by yesterday. You're welcome anytime.
Kenny is a great guy - I got really lucky!! :-)
Hope your shopping day with Em goes good!
I agree with Jay, maybe the bad mood is delayed back to the real world blues.
I'll keep my fingers crossed for you that the shopping trip will be a breeze.
I can't wait to hear about the "injectibles". Sounds scary to me!
I love the smell of butterfly bush... mine has gotten so big this year that I can smell it from the front yard. I wish they would bottle that scent.
Sounds like a full day. I don't know what blogger buzz is - I'll have to research. If you see this in time give Bonnie a squeeze for me. Have fun sweets !
I've read the blogger buzz before. And school shopping is enough to put anyone in a foul mood. Hugs!
I babbled in my post too. Try to enjoy your day!
I used to loathe shopping with my teenaged daughter. NOTHING seemed to satisfy her! By the time we'd get home I would be snapping and growling at everyone and everything. Today we can laugh about it. Boys were definitely MUCH easier to shop for. I will be thinking of you today...I may even have a couple drinks in your honor. Just keep remembering....'this too shall pass'. Hugs!
You are surely in my thoughts for your shopping trip. I was lucky and had my kids in catholic high school. It sure saved me some gray hairs. She still pushed the envelope. Still does and she's almost 27. Yikes where has the time flown.
Your mood is your vacation and back to the real world let down. I say call it a beach day for sure.
I hope your day goes well.
Oh good - that's great. :)
I am convinced the world up and decided to put us in a funk this morning.
That is my story and I am sticking to it.
School shopping, I feel for you since I will be doing some Saturday and it's tax free weekend here..Let us know how being a model went, I have a couple of lines in between my eyebrows I would love to wish away. Its from making the "ugly face" at children or Tim, or maybe from worrying or maybe from all of the above!
Hey love,
Two things. When I wake up like that, it is always because of a dream I have just had. When I don't remember the dream it doesn't matter, I'm still left with the mood of it and it can ruin my day. When I do remember the dream it still ruins my day. I do not know how to fix this. Maybe excercise.
#2. I love to read Blogger Buzz. I enjoy reading blogs of note and I learn a lot and bookmark many to return to.
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