I've spent most of the day sitting on my deck or my porch. Me! Can you believe that? It's a brilliantly beautiful day. It's 74 degrees with the humidity at 41%. That's unheard of in these parts in August. I'm enjoying every minute of it.
Elizabeth has posted a contest on her Crusty Beef blog. Go check it out, OK? If you're smarter than me you'll enter. Ha!
The hummingbirds have been out in force today. I watched a set of black capped chickadees try to use the hummingbird feeders. It didn't work.

I love these birds: tufted titmouse. I don't know the plural. They hang around my feeders.

While driving near Tabor City, SC, I saw a type of pine tree that I've never seen before. The needles were so long and grew in big fluffy clumps. It reminded me of a book I read a few years ago. The book really focused on a certain kind of pine that is native to GA and southern regions and is almost extinct. I loved the book and couldn't remember the title. I called my library to see if they could help me find it. I talked about what I remembered: a family that owned a small home in the middle of a junkyard in GA, with a childhood spent playing in and around the junk. And about these pine trees. Low and behold, the librarian found it. Ecology of a Cracker Childhood by Janisse Ray. I was going to include a link to a review of this book, but there's so many, and if you love books about the south and memoirs, I think you might love this one. I did some research and the author has a second book in which she continues her story. I put a hold on it.
I went for a short walk this morning, since I'd been away from it for a week. I swam half my laps last night for the same reason. If only I hadn't bought that second bag of jelly beans on Saturday. They're 20 oz each! I have a bunch on my lap right now, as I type. When these are gone, I'm done. At least with the big bags.
The butterflies have been out in abundance today too. I don't remember seeing so many before I left for my vacation. It might also have to do with how much time I've been out today.
Those green bags I mentioned in the last post? Here's the link to the official website. I bought mine at Bed Bath and Beyond. I also bought the Melita coffee brewer there for $2.99.
I told you this post was going to be random!
I think I'm going to get on some long pants and a long-sleeved top and do some work in my garden. It's the perfect day for that.
It sounds like you're settling in to being back home.
I love the bird photos.
Oh how I love me a chickadee, and a tufted titmouse, and those long-needled pines, and looking at clouds as I drive, and big cups of delicious hot fresh strong coffee, and lolling on the beach, and books about the South. Oh ... and jellybeans. I do believe one of us was cloned, Cheryl ...
Welcome home! Vacations are nice but I always miss my house and like getting back home again!
The last few days have just been beautiful - perfect weather.
Your garden looks so pretty!
Welcome home.
The weather has been really pleasant here too. It's been nice to be able to get out and do things without sweating to death.
The pine was probably long leaf pine which only grows in the southern most areas of the country. Young trees look like tufts of grass growing.
I am so glad you are safely at home. I was also glad your mother got to go with y'all even though you couldn't sleep in the same bed! LOL
WELCOME BACK/HOME!!! The pictures in your posts below look so fun!!
I'm glad that you guys are home and safe especially after the knights inn excursion.
I'd be scaried to sleep..
So are you back at work too? If so, back to reality,..if not, enjoy the last few legs of your vacation!
Bet you slept good in your own bed the first night home, huh?
I'm seeing the butterflies too. Random? It still sounds like YOU. I like your random.
titmice? such a funny name - i love them too.
What great birds you have in your yard! I love watching birds, they are just so much fun and so colorful. We've been watching the goldfinches and hummers!
I love the random posts. Tufted titmice? I don't know. They're cute little guys though. So those green bags really work? How cool, I will definitely have to find some.
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