I took this picture before toning her hair. The lightning process went flawlessly this time. Looking at this picture, I'm sorry that I cut off the top of my bouquet. This week I bought a multi-colored bunch of alstroemeria. They remind me of a bunch of brightly-colored balloons or lollipops with their bright colors and long stems. BTW, my last bunch is now 23 days old and still going strong on my neighbor's station. How long do those flowers last?

Doesn't she look so sassy? I love the color! It's more platinum, less warm than the last time. Last time I was going for more platinum, but then we had that mossy green thing happen, and with the fix we got warm = golden. This time I was ready. It came out just how I planned. Bonnie was surprised at the outcome, which surprised me. Not disappointed or unhappy, she was expecting more golden, as it turned out. Lesson to Cheryl: always consult, just to be sure. The color can always be adjusted, but I think that Bonnie is going to love it. Everyone in the shop did. Anyone else want to go blonde? I'm ready to do it again on someone else!
I wish I could write more, but I'm at Panera's, and my folks are waiting for me to come over.
Happy Thursday!
Bonnie looks great. I wish you were close enough to do my hair.
I'm sorry the homefront has become difficult.
Bonnie looks great, but then Bonnie always looks great. I really like the color on her. It will let people know:
"Sassy! Watch out!...coming through..."
I was a rotten kid sometimes. I'm still trying to make it up to Mom. It gets better (((hugs)))
Bonnie's hair looks great.
I may not be going blond but I'm turning white! :-)
That is a sassy look indeed.
As for your angst about the "situation" all I can say is welcome to being the parent of a teenager. As the father of two teens I know exactly what you are going through.
It'll get better as she matures. (That is if you don't strangle her first.)
Yeah, the fact that my mother and sister both read my blog definitely limits some of the stuff I can say there. And that really sucks sometimes.
Bonnie looks great!!
Bonnie is so HIP!! You must leave now to come to my house, I want to go blonder so you are welcome to tone me up (I just don't want to be warmer blond--afraid it'll look like someone peed on my head.
I'm sorry things are going around and around in Cheryl land.the timing sounds about right in regards to the growth of everything but still doesn't ease anything or everything.
Someday Cheryl,..I gty, Someday.
call me at anytime, you have my number...I would be more then happy to listen or talk or just sip coffee in silence over state telephone lines.
P.S. I recall a fellow persons "worst times ever with hormones and other things" and this woman's middle name is Jane.
She put her loved ones thru craziness hell about beginning thru end of 2nd time around 4 years.
Elizabeth J.
Yes, I agree with you. It is hard sometimes not to be able to let it all hang out on a public blog with different life situations. If I could post about work, I would have a huge following... lol.
Bonnie looks great. I wish you were closer, too. Flowers that last 23 days?? Amazing.
Sorry the homefront is up and down, so goes it with teens. It is hard and it gets easier, but it takes time.
Hope things are on an upswing soon.
I would gladly give you a shot at my blonde head that will soon be in need of a touch up. I am planning on a week from Friday. I don't want to turn 50 with root rot. ;-} But I do believe you are a tad long distance for a convenient hair cut and color.
Last month I went to a different salon. My daughter got me a gift certificate that matched hers. A promotional type of thing. A long time ago I went to this salon. The stylist was from Maine. Nice. Color looked good. My hair has been beyond dry ever since. Time to go back to Paula. She has been my stylist for 2 1/2 years. My whole family goes there and my hair is never dried out after.
I like your friends hair. Short and platinum. It works for her for sure. But I will keep my long. It works for my life style.
Have a fun day.
That's a fabulous picture of you two! The one of Bonnie too:) I positively adore that color on her.
I'm sorry things are rough right now. I too believe it's a phase and hopefully it won't last long.
And those 23 day flowers?? That is just uncanny. Isn't it? The others (that we see stems of:) sound lovely. You always have such exotic sounding flowers.
Bonnie, you look beautiful! It really suits your face and skin!
Cheryl, I'm so sorry. My email is available if you ever need me.
I love that Bonnie and her hair!
I know EXACTLY what you mean when you say you can't blog your life...I am going through the same thing. I have no idea what you are talking about when you say that things at home or in your life have turned bad, but Cheryl, life with teens is really, REALLY hard. Perhaps I am way off track here, but if this is your issue right now, please know you aren't alone. It is just plain HARD. But you are a great mom and she is a great kid and with time and age, it will get better. Promise.
I love Bonnies hair. I wish I could have mine cut off at times, but every time I do, I end up hating it.
Have a very wonderful weekend.
Hugs, honey.
Bonnie is so pretty! Good job on the hair Cheryl.
WOW. Now I'll read your post.
OK I read it. So, Cheryl..... you should know that you have a real gift. Whether circumstances in your life are good, bad, sad, messed UP, or going way good, you are so consistently even. I'll bet your tips are exactly the same on a good day as on a bad day. You ALWAYS find a way to let go of your upsets and be engaged and interested in other people's lives. A lot of people just call in sick, miss work, sell their children to dad, and basically cannot function during an upset. But life is ALWAYS upsetting, n'est pas? And you are a survivor! Hang in, but never become too tough to feel. And remember, you can only go as high as you can go low.
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