We shopped till we dropped and it was great! Not just bearable, but great. Annapolis Mall has an Aerie and an American Eagle store side by side. For those without teens, they're the same company, but Aerie has bras, undies, sweats, and lounge wear. We went to Aerie first where they were giving out scratch-off's for trying on bras. It's the only reason I tried one on and my scratch-off was for a free bra. I would never have thought of shopping there for myself, but I found one that I loved. Em's was for a free lip gloss. We had a coupon for $10 off one bra, but they let us use it on each of Em's two bras. Nice, huh? Em also got 3 capri sweats, running shorts and tee-shirt that were already marked down. We were able to use our 30% off coupon for the total order, including the bras. Then we were off to AE. Their sale was buy one pair of jeans and get the second one for 50% off. Same deal for their tee-shirts. Em got two pairs of jeans, 4 tops, a sweater and two pairs of shorts. All on sale plus we used the 30% off coupon again. Total for the day? Under $175! We took our time, and there were no arguments. Shopping is over for a while! Happy me. Happy daughter.
I just finished eating a great quesadilla that I made. I'm going to do some cleaning, then I'm off to the pool for my laps. I'm sad that it's almost 5:00. The day is going by much too quickly.
A gift of yarn
Snow was falling as I walked around town this morning.
It was 29 degrees with just a little breeze.
Sunrise 6:38
Morning Walk Steps 12,141
Started out wa...
15 hours ago
You certainly had a blessed day!!! To please a teenager is something so rare only a very choice few experience it. Consider yourself TRULY blessed. LOL. I'm teasing you but I do remember the shopping HORROR trips with my teen daughter. Not something I'd want to repeat. In all those years...I don't think I ever satisfied her once. Now SHE has a daughter....heh heh heh...paybacks are hell. Glad your day has been so productive and tonight you can drift off to sleep with a smile on your face. Yay Cheryl!
There's just something about getting a great deal that makes my heart beat just a little bit faster.
Smoking deals! And a good day with Em to boot.
Yay for you!!!
Great buys! So much more fun to shop when you can get great bargins and make the teen happy!
Hope your swim was good.
You are a seriously great shopper.
And I'm so glad you didn't have any arguments with your daughter.
Have a good night.
I'm all about the deals.HA! I'm so glad the shopping trip went well and you had some fun too.
I love having some fun with my kids.
An evening for a big smile. A perfect happy shopping experience with daughter, a new FREE bra for you, and shopping completed for a while. Lots of loot for $175. I'm glad your day went well.
I love reading about days like today, where everything seems to sync. Glad it was a good Sunday!
Glad your shopping trip was so successful..i hope you both wear your finds in good health.
Happy Monday!
i have missed your blog over this crazysummer.
have a great workweek, cheryl.
Sounds like another day that's stored with good memories!! That's fantastic!
I've never heard of Aerie, but now you've given me a helpful tip for my 8th grade female cousin..I know she loves american eagle..
happy time to yourself too!
Back to school yet? :)
Oooo shopping with prizes! How fun! I need to go clothes shopping! I dread it, but if I could find a store that had scratch offs, I'd be there!
Yeah, I like the sound of that scratch off thing too. I wonder if they do that here- they have the Aerie/AE stores side by side, but I don't go that often. If I knew I'd get a deal like you just described, I might go more..
I'm glad you guys enjoyed the day together. I hope the week is going well too:)
Sounds like serious shopping fun! I'm so glad it was a good time for you two. You deserve it.
what a miracle day for you--- we've been shopping in spurts , and i didn't find a single deal like that. we were robbed--and prolly got less stuff. :(( still no shoes for PE .
think mines too picky?-- i do.
anyhow-- less than a week... woo hoo---
this summer has had a cloud over it-- and i am happy to see it go --
how bout you?
I can only imagine what a "Super" Wally mart must be like.
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