This is me, pre-injections. I'm holding an ice pack over my forehead to numb the area, although it looks like I'm hiding. I did feel pretty silly. I had Botox done two years ago and knew that it was just an uncomfortable procedure--not too painful.

We have a new staff member, Linda, joining us. She and her husband are owners of 'Between the Lines'. She's a PA and she'll be doing injectables...Botox and fillers. My boss asked me to be one of the 'models' on the first night since I'd done it before and wouldn't be squeamish. I have an "11" between my brows. That's what they call those lines people get. When I look in the mirror, it's the first thing I see. Other people don't agree with me, but that's the way it is. The Botox really didn't work well two years ago, and the doctor at the time thought I might need a filler instead. Linda, who did my procedure, said we'd start with Botox and revisit it in two weeks. If I need a filler, she'll do it then. So, she did my 11's, and then some above my brows to give them a little lift, then on some forehead lines and crows feet, although I didn't realize I had them. LOL. She tells clients that Botox lasts about 3-4 months, but really, it usually lasts longer. She gave her presentation in front of at least 30 of us, which must have been so hard. I would have had an anxiety attack for sure. She did a great job. Everyone on staff will get one free service, and we're all abuzz about it. It typically takes 3-7 days for the effects of Botox to materialize, and I'm on day two. I'll keep you abreast of the disappearance of my lines.

Emily is one sore girlie tonight. Day one went well, and she said she was the 4th fastest runner. Practice will be every day next week, twice a day from 7-10 am and 3-5 pm. Whew. Not enough players showed up, so they'll be roaming the halls on Freshman orientation day trying to recruit players. The same thing happened last year and that's how she came to play the game. She was looking pretty spiffy at practice. She went shopping with her Dad last night and informed me she racked up a big bill for me. She bought 2 Nike outfits and at least 3 Nike shorts, plus Under Armour shorts, a sports bra and socks. She'll be running and practicing in style. I would have taken her to Kohl's, but I do have to admit she looks great in the stylish stuff, and it made her really happy. When she's happy, I'm happy. We were supposed to go to American Eagle tonight, but she said she's too sore to walk the mall. Maybe tomorrow? She's at a friend's house now. As a btw, I haven't mentioned this before but she and her boyfriend split up a few weeks ago. Field hockey and back to school will be really good for her.
I went to dinner with my friend Kathy on Wednesday and we went to her daughter's townhouse afterwards. I took these pictures of her bathroom shower. She designed it herself. Tile and river rock. The shower head was enormous. She said it was the biggest one she could find.

Well, my battery is almost out. That means I have to close for now. Hmmm...there's a Panera's next door. It's the location that only has one outlet. I might just have to see if it's available.
Update...I'm inside Panera's, plugged-in. I'm sitting next to a family with 3 rowdy children, but they're about to leave. It's chilly inside, and I wish I was sitting outside, but if I want to stay online, this is my only option. *sigh* Beggars can't be choosers.
I want the shower and the botox and the fillers. Ha! Let us know about your results.
Yay! I am caught up! Sounds like you have been one busy woman! I am finding myself in a similar situation with my kid. He just doesn't want to talk and when I ask questions, the annoyed look comes out. What's a mom to do?
Can't wait to hear about your results...i bet they're great.
Love the bathroom...very lovely, soft like.
Have a great weekend Cheryl...oh and isn't the US doing very well in the Olympics...go USA! ...and Canada too...we finally won some medals, wooohoo!
Can't wait to hear about the results, but I would be chicken to try it.
I LOVE the shower, I love artsy.
I love the shower...
And I think you are brave to have the injections. I certainly could use them, however.
I hope your day today is wonderful.
I think you are so brave! I have a friend/coworker who had that done and she looks great!
I loveLoveLOVE that shower!! How neat and well designed that is!! I'm saving that photo...someday I'd like to re-do our shower and that's a great idea! Doing arsty stuff like that is right up my alley!!
Hope you are feeling okay after your treatment!
What a great shower idea - It kind of just opened up my mind to all kinds of possiblities alond the ame lines - cool, thanks for sharing.
HA! You were sitting next to me probably!! lol.
I've always wanted the botox thing for later on in life but doubt I'll ever be able to afford it--hard with one income for 5people for sure...what does the needles feel like?
Where you puffy afterwards?
My m-i-l has had the fillers many times and will have a face lift someday as my grandma in law had twice in her life--it does look great as long as it's not overboard like Joan C. :)
Hope it works but at least it's a free service. Next time if you don't want to do it, let me know, I'll drive out and be your "guest model." :)
happy monday and I have to say that that shower is absolutely remarkable..WOW!! I love it!!
Very relaxing!
How many people does that shower fit?
EW, I LOVE the river rock! And the design in general.
I distinctly remember those early morning field hockey practices... probably because it's an unusual hour of day for me:) Sorry to hear about the BF, but getting busy w/ school and hockey does sound like it will be a good thing.
Enjoy the magic of vanishing lines!
That's really cool that you got to try the injections for free. I'd be a little nervous about a needle by my eyes though - I think I'd just keep the crows feet. I don't have an 11 - I have a 1 - but it's very visible. I can't wait to hear how it all works out for you.
Love the shower - I would never have thought of mixing the rock and stone.
My name is Diana Lee and i would like to show you my personal experience with Botox.
I have suffered with migraines and neck pain for many years. Botox has given me my life back. I have arthritis in my neck and Botox is the ONLY thing that has given me relief.
Side Effects-
None…miracle drug
I hope this information will be useful to others,
Diana Lee
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