So, the vacay is over. The long trip home was hellish, but hey, it was worth it. I'm settled back in. Everything's put away, clothes cleaned, laps swam. It was a beautiful day for a drive. The sky was so blue and the clouds so brilliantly white and fluffy. I kept remarking on them, but none of my companions were interested. *sigh* It only took 3 hours to drive home, and that was with stops. I'm glad we stayed over in Colonial Heights/Petersburg, VA. An interesting place. I mentioned we were on the bad side of town. We drove through the historic part, which was amazing. I'd love to spend a day or two there with a guide. Apparently it's an important Civil War location, and maybe where Pocohantas is from? I did some reading, but not enough. We drove to the 'developed' part of town. Every big box store you can imagine, plus the mall. We didn't go into any of it. We had dinner at 5 Guys, and brought back a hotdog and fries for my mom. Then we all watched the Olympics. I called the desk to complain about the very loud people in the room above us. There were kids running in the room. I don't expect silence, but it was bad. The creepy manager got them quiet after the second call, and we all slept fine.

Thanks to Bon, my Gevalia coffee machine is in the basement, replaced by this tiny Melita single-cup coffee brewer sitting atop my favorite coffee mug. Bon brought one of these to the beach with us, and it brewed the perfect cup of coffee. I was hooked. If only I'd known they came in red... Now I'll need a tea kettle to boil my water. Back to Bed Bath and Beyond. Oh, btw, I followed Mo's advice and bought the Green Bags for fruit and veggies from BB&B. They work perfectly! I'll be buying the ones for bread and cold cuts next.
So, one more day off, then it's catch-up time at work. I'm gonna be working my butt off to make up for my time off. That's OK...I'm good at working hard.
Well, it's about time for the US gymnastic team to do their thing, so I'm signing off for now. Till the next time...
I am glad your back safe, love the special coffee maker that is cool. I love the green bags didn't know they had them for bread and cold cuts will have to go back and get some. We too are watching Olympics the girls are loving the gymnast...Can't believe they weren't interested in the clouds..yeah I can.
Home, sweet, home. Glad you are back safe and sound. Thank you for taking us along with you!
Good luck back to work tomorrow.
Glad you're safely home - not glad that vacay is over for you. You surely got yourself reorganized in a hurry. It usually takes me at least three days.
I haven't bought Green Bags yet but they are on my list of gotta haves.
Welcome home! I'm sorry your drive was so bad and that your vacation is over.
I missed the green bag thing. What is it?
Glad you're back safe & sound and with good memories. I'm gonna get me one of those sweet little coffee brewers pronto -- and the Green Bags, too. The coffee brewer will come in handy for our beach trip next week. The weather's looking iffy but.....as long as it's not a hurricane we're okay. (Fingers crossed.)
check Marshall's or Home Goods for a teapot - we got a super nice designer one (I never knew there were designer tea kettles) for a STEAL! :)
My Dad has one of those - this family drinks way too much coffee for a single cup maker. But your post makes me want one. LOL!
I've been wondering about those green bags! I saw them at Walgreens the other day. I always have loads of produce so maybe I'll try them out. I'm glad you made it home safely, Cheryl. You sure made some great memories in the fair state of South Carolina!
I'm not a big vacation person, but when I do go somewhere, I'm almost as excited to pull into my own driveway as I was to get away in the first place. I'm not familiar with the Green Bags. I may have to check them out, because I'll bet they would take up less room in my fridge than all of my Tupperware Fridge Smart containers and cold cut keepers.
Your garden looks so pretty and tidy.
So did the coffee thing come from Starbucks? That would be really handy to have - since I only drink coffee every great once in awhile - and I hate to pull out the big coffee machine just for a cup or two.
Glad you are back safe and sound!
Welcome home! Being on vacation is fun, but it's so tiring and it's always great to get home!
Home sweet home! Glad you had a good trip and made it back safe and sound:)
Glad you made it home safe and sound..albeit tired. You've been a busy lady, getting it all done and cleaned and put away...i hope you slept well that night.
I'm behind...here catching up!
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