Yes, it's Monday and I'm exhausted. What do I do when I'm tired? I generally get busy. Some people take naps. Later, when it's time for bed, I'll get my second wind. *Sigh* it just works that way for me.
I got an early start and went to Panera's. I've decided I like their lattes better than Border's or Starbucks. Plus I like that they have a frequent buyers club and you only have to purchase 6 drinks to get one free. I redeemed mine for a large caramel latte with an extra shot of espresso. I stayed for a while, then drove the mile or two to see my mom. I cut her hair then we were off to do errands. First stop, B.J.'s for a chaise lounge and two sling chairs. Next was Walmart, and I ran in to get the things on her list. After that we ate at the buffet. It was wonderful. My mother said if it weren't for me, she'd never get out to lunch. I told her I enjoy it as much as she does. I brought her home right before her show started, and went on my way. A stop at the grocery store, then I was home, and feeling very tired and sluggish. That's when I decided to try out the power washer.

Nice, huh? It belongs to my neighbor Kelly. She gave me a tutorial yesterday on how to use it. It takes a lot of gas. I borrowed it mainly to try to clean all the mildow or algae or whatever is on the siding on the side of my house. And to clean up my sidewalk. I didn't realize how dirty it was. Here's what I've done so far:

It's actually fun to use, but slow going.
While I had my camera out, I took this picture of my neighbor's forsythia. I love seeing it in other people's yards. I think it's a messy shrub, but it sure is beautiful to look at.

Talking about things in bloom, are there a lot of pear trees in your part of the country? It seems like it's the favorite tree of builders here in MD, and now there's forests of them all around. The birds must spread the seeds. They're everywhere, in full bloom.
Last picture of the day. Brad, this one's for you.

You totally took my spring cleaning challenge to the next level!
Glad you and Mom had a good day. I miss those times.
I surely hope those two college kids are still doing pressure washing. I like doing it but, you're right, it does take a long time. If you have a spot of mildew that won't completely pressure wash away. Hit it with a spritz of Clorox, wait about 5 minutes, and spray wash it away. I have to do that with our storage bldg about every two years.
Gee, I wish I had your energy.
We have a bunch of those forsythia bushes blooming here now too. I didn't know the name of them until you posted that pic though.
Gotta keep that algae cleaned off the walks or they'll get slippery and people will fall and sue. LOL
During my day, I often think about how energic you. You amaze me!
Glad you had a nice lunch with your mom.
i love productive days! the flowers and trees in bloom are just beautiful! it's like they just appeared overnight--a true sign of spring for sure.
You amaze me never stop. The sidewalk looks great, i bet you are pleased.
I wouldn't know a pear tree if i saw one...unless of course it had pears on it at the time...but i do love forsythias.
Nice day with your Mom, I wish mine lived closer. Luckily my dad has a power washer and pulls it out every now and then.If I want something cleaned with it I act like I wanna use it then he jumps into action. I think he is afraid I will break it. You really inspire me to do more!
Glad you had a nice day with your mom.
We have one of those power washers and I can't believe how good they work. I have a brick path and the bricks look brand new afterwards.
Power washers... Now aren't they great! Well they were great until it took some autopaint right off of my bumper!!! It now sits where I threw it in the garage back last fall. Still gotta get my bumper repainted. That will cost me more than I paid for the power washer!
Regardless Cheryl.... Have a great day! :-)
I'm currently addicted to Starbucks Hot Chocolate. It is so good!
I don't know how many pear trees there are in Kentucky. I know there are lots of horses here though. ;)
Those Peeps looking like they're having fun !
I agree with you Panera does have better lattes - they're very smooth.
Glad you had a good day with your mom. I can't believe your answer to being tired is to go out and power wash - but then again, you do have a great figure and that's probably why!
I love the forsynthia bloom - but agree with you that it's a messy bush. It doesn't have a nice shape at all - but I do love those yellow flowers. Mine is very persnickety and since I moved it, it likes to wilt in the summer. Last summer I told it to suck it up or move on, and it's still here.
I think most of what we have is cherry and redbush, but I don't care, I love the pink flowers.
I'm liking that pressure washer! Nice. I love a good clean sidewalk. Good for walking in bare feet. Take care!
i wouldn't know a pear tree if one fell on me!
so not a green thumb here.
i love all your pics you post of this stuff though. you do have an eye for nature-
happy tuesday-
Aha! I am totally loving the fridge!! Sidewalk looks great Cheryl. I like power washing as well, but you are right, it takes some patience.
Good Heavens girl---where DO you get your energy?
You are using the power washer? I think that's awesome...I used to work with an idiot that got a new one, and didn't put his shoes on when he was cleaning his driveway. Yes, he WAS missing some skin off of his toes....LOL
Have a good day today. :)
So did it work? the stuff go away with the powerspray???
HI PEEPS! Bdd and I change ours around can guess the differences..typical married male guy thought process. :)
i love it! tired? get busy! feeling sluggish later and you pull out the power washer. your motivation is great. i only used a power washer one time in my life, but it was fun and so effective. i love the pictures. my mom has a forsythia bush in her side yard, and it's beautiful when in bloom. oh, and the pear trees here have been shedding the last of their petals, my car is covered in them.
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