I'm sitting here with an ice bag on my thigh. Somehow I knocked the Melitta plastic filter cone off my coffee cup and the boiling grounds and liquid fell on my pajama pants and I used my hand to get it off my thigh, so I burned my hand too. My thigh is tender and red. It could have been really bad; I'm so glad it wasn't. I might have to use gauze to keep my pants from rubbing against my leg. It was scary. Before this happened I was thinking, should I go to the pool for a half-mile? Today is re-opening day after being closed for a week of repairs. Or should I do the walking DVD? Well, neither.
I only got a few minutes of computer time last night because Emily had my laptop. She doesn't have Word on her desktop computer, and for some reason she can't print from hers. So, I didn't read blogs but did finish the last 3 episodes of Brothers and Sisters. I just love that show.
Time to get ready for work. Happy Tuesday!
Happy Sunday
Sunrise from earlier this week
Sunset last night
A hymn we sang in church this morning.
🎶 Redeemed 🎶
Fanny Crosby
1. Redeemed, how I l...
16 hours ago
Ouch. I hope it heals quickly.
Ouch, put neosporin on it, and then gauze, sorry to hear that. Nice evening at home, Have a better rest of your day.
Feel better. Coffee burns are not fun.
Ouch is right, i'm so sorry you hurt yourself like that, burns are so painful.
I watch Brothers and Sisters too...but i forgot to record it this past Sunday...i hope i didn't miss much...but i probably did.
I'm glad that wasn't too bad! Coffee can do a lot of damage. Let's be careful out there people.
Burns are the worst! Actually, soaking in the pool would be good! Keep it clean and keep cool compresses on until the pain subsides. Call me if you need me. I wouldn't put gauze on it as the fibers could de-brade the burn.
Ouch! I actually winced while reading this. Ice was a smart thing to do. I remember when I was young, they used to tell you to slap butter on a burn and come to find out, its about the worse thing you can do (keeps the heat in). Feel better soon!
Oh Cheryl that must have hurt. Good you got the ice on it right away. Best thing for burns.
Not a great way to start the day - hope things got better after that!
Read this and winced. I hope you're okay and that work wasn't too unpleasant because of it. Thinking of you!
that's awful! I hope it's not too bad! Is there anything that you can do to help the pain of the burn?
Hope it's some better now. OUCH! Your mishap brings back the memory of the time a few years ago when I was handing hubby his plate of hot spaghetti -- hot, slippery spaghetti. And, yep, that hot spaghetti slid right off the plate into hubby's lap. ....He still hasn't forgotten that one.
Yikes! I'm glad it seems to be getting better already. Too bad it wasn't someone else's coffee and you could have sued them. I'm kidding of course:)
Oh wow! I hate burns!!! It seems to take forever for them to "cool" off. I hope it gets well quickly. Would the pool water help or hurt? I think cool water would be good but what about the chlorine?
Take care!
I love Brothers and Sisters too. It makes my dysfunctional siblings look...well....they are still dysfunctional but I love that show!
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